You can find how to input these on the page Console and Debug Panel.
Not all of the commands are locked behind debug mode, and so are categorized here for clarity. Search this page for one if you are unsure what it does.
Trace Command
Command | Valid Operators | Notes and Description |
trace <x> | x is another console command (plus if you want its parameters) | Will display the output of the console command at the bottom of the screen updating it frequently. More than one can be displayed by running it multiple times, it adds a new row at the bottom each time. Most commonly used with fps, eg: trace fps although there are better ways of displaying FPS in NWN:EE. Note there appears there is no way to turn off a trace line once started. |
Player Commands
These can be run by players at any point. They are client specific and don't alter anything on the server or running module.
Command | Valid Operators | Notes and Description |
d2 X | X is an positive integer number of dice (No value, or 0 or lower will default to 1) | Simply outputs in the console area the result of a dice role, eg; d4 10 rolls 4d10 for a value between 10 and 40. |
makesafe | Moves the current player to a valid, walkable space if they are stuck in a creature or a wall or similar | |
hidepartynames | Hides names on the partybar GUI | |
showpartynames | Shows names on the partybar GUI | |
keyholetoggle | Toggles the keyholing mode on and off. Also available in the options. Will report back on what it does. | |
ConvertPortrait <filename> | Converts a potential portrait jpg to a NWN compatible TGA format (in all the sizes), using this methodology:
While this procedure does produce files of the appropriate sizes, it is often not the best method for producing portraits. Many of the better portraits involve cropping the image for the smaller sizes, instead of simply scaling the full image down. Cropping allows for more detailed portraits at the larger sizes, while not overloading the smaller sizes with too much detail. For example, some portraits show the full body in the huge size, head and shoulders in the medium size, and just the face in the tiny size. | |
SetResolution <x> <y> | x is a the X resolution, y is the Y resolution | May not work correctly, but should set the resolution of the game. Really unnecessary and should use the options panel. |
Gamma <x> | x is the amount of Gamma to set. No value means it displays the current Gamma. | Gamma can be also set in the game options, which is not altered by this command, so presumably it is session only. |
cfg <key> <value> | key are Game Options in TML form value are the valid options | Sets a configuration option (will persist after exiting the game). Useful for quickbar (##cfg x y) Example this will turn on tilefade: cfg graphics.second-story-tiles.mode 2 This will turn it off: cfg graphics.second-story-tiles.mode 1 |
fps | FPS counter, use with trace for a "better" version although there is a persistent FPS counter in the options | |
setchatbuffersize X | X is a positive integer | Sets the chat buffer size, ie amount of messages in the message window that are retained. Unknown limits or what the default is, but setting it very low starts cutting off a lot of the chat window. |
Debug and DM Mode
The command that anyone can type in, but only works if you are a DM in an online module, or playing a singleplayer game, is debug mode. This is also available on the Debug Panel.
Command | Valid Operators | Notes and Description |
DebugMode X | If X is 1 or -1 it enables debug mode. If it is any other number it disables it if it is enabled. | Debug mode allows advanced and game altering console commands to be entered. You gain access to several DM shortcuts even if you are not a full DM. To be a full DM properly use the commands dm_login and dm_logout In addition, hitting the period (.) key while in this mode calls up the "Chooser" window of the DM client, allowing the player to manipulate creatures, encounters, triggers, and waypoints. If you hit x then the game will popup a debug of the location chosen. The grid is useful for noting for light functions: SetTileMainLightColor and SetTileSourceLightColor (they're 0 indexed), Furthermore, the plus key (+) can be used to instantly move the player's character to wherever the mouse cursor is pointing (provided it is pointing to a surface on which a creature can walk). To aid the person doing the debugging, all traps are made visible while debug mode is on, and those triggers that are normally hidden are shown as yellow shapes on the ground. (The latter is a rather noticeable indicator that debug mode had been accidentally left on.) |
dm_login <pw> | pw is the password that is needed for DM access set on the server | Become a sudo-DM, you gain all the DM powers temporarily (panels appear, you can go invisible, you become invincible etc.). This can be used instead of DebugMode if the server allows it (DebugMode on a server only works if you are already a DM). The password is set on the server so in singleplayer mode will not be set. |
dm_logout | Logs out of the sudo-DM mode, returning to being a player. If you are possessing a creature you're kicked out from it. |
Debug Mode Commands
We'll sort these by usage later - currently just listing the DM commands. Need to be split up into:
- Variable manipulation
- Stat manipulation
- (DM) Cheat commands
- Builder commands
- Debug menu can be brought up by typing CTRL + SHIFT + F12
Builder Commands
Command | Valid Operators | Notes and Description |
WorkshopUpload <full path to your mod directory> | The path must be something like C:\Path\To My Modification | See guide here and illustrated guide here. Uploads a mod to the workshop - will be hidden by default. Not entering anything uploads a blank one with no title! |
MakePano <yaw_steps=18> <pitch_steps=4> <view_angle=40> | <yaw_steps=18> <pitch_steps=4> <view_angle=40> | Used to generate panoramic source data, for use in stitching programs Outputs TGA files to Documents\Neverwinter Nights\screenshots By default creates 90 files called "MakePano_pAA_yBBB.tga" where pitch "AA" value is 0, 45, 90, 135 and 180 and yaw "BBB" value is 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160, 180, 200, 220, 240, 260, 280, 300, 320, 340. Overwrites the old ones if you run this command again. |
renderaabb <x> | x is 1 for mode on, 0 for mode off | This function produces visual information about the current tileset's walkmesh. Available in the Debug Panel which has other advanced render options. |
rendertilepathnodes <x> | x is 1 for mode on, 0 for mode off | This function produces visual information about the edges of tiles and tile features. Available in the Debug Panel which has other advanced render options. |
shadowfliporder <x> | 1 to turn on the shadow flip order | From 1.85.8193.31: Fixed some common shadow rendering issues related to "behind" stencil tests. It does not fix every issue, however, and in rare cases, some issues may become more apparent - but all in all, the benefits should outweigh the drawbacks. The old approach can be restored with using "shadowfliporder 1" in the console. |
printvertextdata | n/a | From 1.85.8193.31: Added a new console command ‘printvertexdata’. Prints an overview of the amount of memory currently used for vertex data (model geometry) to the client log. |
dm_enablecombatdebugging <x> | x is either 0 or 1. | This function will enable and display additional information about how attacks, damage, and saving throws are computed. It's probably not a in-game toggle option due to the amount of information shown. Gets very spammy, example below - the extra white text is the combat debugging. Not tested to see if it includes absolutely everything - NWN's combat engine is quite complex. |
dm_enablehitdiedebugging <x> | x is either 0 or 1. | If enabled it will display in the top left the dice rolls for level up dice. Only really useful for builders to confirm the classes.2da level up hit dice work correctly. |
Model Compiler
There is also a command line compiler option but these are recommended to use once a model is loaded in the game. These all output to a new folder in your user data folder: Documents\Neverwinter Nights\modelcompiler
Command | Valid Operators | Notes and Description |
compileloadedmodels | Compiles all loaded models, including binary | |
compileloadedasciimodels | Compiles all loaded models, only ASCII. | |
compilemodel <name> | <name> is a resref name, eg; "mymodel" for "mymodel.mdl" | Specific model, will load and unload it for you even if it is not currently loaded. Note like the command line this will not work with skinmesh models unless the model is loaded and visible to the client (and in those cases just use compileloadedmodels instead). |
Creature Statistic Modification
These will almost absolutely invalidate a character when ELC is turned on (DMs are obviously exempt from this check).
To do:
- Do these changes get saved to the BIC if exported?
- Which are permanent and which are temporary?
- If things are modified does it count for level up purposes?
Setting it will do an absolute value.
Command | Valid Operators | Equivalent Script Command | Notes and Description |
dm_setCHA <x> | x is an integer value indicating the value to set the ability score to. | This function will activate target mode. The target you click will have its base Charisma set to the value specified. | |
dm_setCON <x> | x is an integer value indicating the value to set the ability score to. | This function will activate target mode. The target you click will have its base Constitution set to the value specified. | |
dm_setDEX <x> | x is an integer value indicating the value to set the ability score to. | This function will activate target mode. The target you click will have its base Dexterity set to the value specified. | |
dm_setINT <x> | x is an integer value indicating the value to set the ability score to. | This function will activate target mode. The target you click will have its base Intelligence set to the value specified. | |
dm_setSTR <x> | x is an integer value indicating the value to set the ability score to. | This function will activate target mode. The target you click will have its base Strength set to the value specified. | |
dm_setWIS <x> | x is an integer value indicating the value to set the ability score to. | This function will activate target mode. The target you click will have its base Wisdom set to the value specified. | |
dm_setage <x> | x is an integer value indicating the value to set the age to. | This function will activate target mode. The target you click will have its age set to the value specified. | |
dm_setattackbase <x> | x is an integer value indicating the value to set the base attack bonus to. | This function will activate target mode. The target you click will have its base attack bonus set to the value specified. | |
dm_setspellresistance <x> | x is an integer value indicating the value to set the spell resistance to. | You cannot set the inherent spell resistance using scripts. | This function will activate target mode. The target you click will have its spell resistance set to the value specified. Appears in the character sheet. If no value is entered it uses 0, but there is a minimum of 10 if you use a number lower than 10. You cannot seem to remove it once set unless you possess and unpossess a creature (which seems to remove it entirely?). |
Special | |||
dm_setrace <x> | x is an integer, line from appearance.2da | SetCreatureAppearanceType(OBJECT_SELF, x); | Instantly will set the current creature (or the creature being possessed) to a given line in appearance.2da. Will not change the portrait, soundset etc. and doesn't change the actual race of the creature. Meant for DMs who want to quickly change appearance as per a polymorph effect or similar reveal. |
dm_setCR <x> | x is an integer value indicating the challenge rating. | This function will activate target mode. The target you click will have its challenge rating set to the value specified. Challenge ratings should only apply to NPC objects (will alter the experience given by the default XP system when killed, and the Examine screen will have a different "difficulty classification" but nothing else functionally will change), doesn't seem to do anything to PCs who's "challenge rating" is always equal to their hit dice. |
Modifications can alter the amount:
Command | Valid Operators | Equivalent Script Command | Notes and Description |
dm_modifyCHA <x> | x is an integer value indicating the amount to adjust the skill by. | This function will activate target mode. The target you click will have its base Charisma adjusted by the value specified. Positive values will cause an increase, while negative values will cause a decrease. | |
dm_modifyCON <x> | x is an integer value indicating the amount to adjust the skill by. | This function will activate target mode. The target you click will have its base Constitution adjusted by the value specified. Positive values will cause an increase, while negative values will cause a decrease. | |
dm_modifyDEX <x> | x is an integer value indicating the amount to adjust the skill by. | This function will activate target mode. The target you click will have its base Dexterity adjusted by the value specified. Positive values will cause an increase, while negative values will cause a decrease. | |
dm_modifyINT <x> | x is an integer value indicating the amount to adjust the skill by. | This function will activate target mode. The target you click will have its base Intelligence adjusted by the value specified. Positive values will cause an increase, while negative values will cause a decrease. | |
dm_modifySTR <x> | x is an integer value indicating the amount to adjust the skill by. | This function will activate target mode. The target you click will have its base Strength adjusted by the value specified. Positive values will cause an increase, while negative values will cause a decrease. | |
dm_modifyWIS <x> | x is an integer value indicating the amount to adjust the skill by. | This function will activate target mode. The target you click will have its base Wisdom adjusted by the value specified. Positive values will cause an increase, while negative values will cause a decrease. | |
dm_modifyage <x> | x is an integer value indicating the amount to adjust the age by. | This function will activate target mode. The target you click will have its age adjusted by the value specified. Positive values will cause an increase, while negative values will cause a decrease. | |
dm_modifyattackbase <x> | x is an integer value indicating the amount to adjust the base attack bonus by. | This function will activate target mode. The target you click will have its base attack bonus adjusted by the value specified. Positive values will cause an increase, while negative values will cause a decrease. | |
dm_modifysavefortitude <x> | x is an integer value indicating the amount to adjust the save value by. | This function will activate target mode. The target you click will have its fortitude save value adjusted by the value specified. Positive values will cause an increase, while negative values will cause a decrease. | |
dm_modifysavereflex <x> | x is an integer value indicating the amount to adjust the save value by. | This function will activate target mode. The target you click will have its reflex save value adjusted by the value specified. Positive values will cause an increase, while negative values will cause a decrease. | |
dm_modifysavewill <x> | x is an integer value indicating the amount to adjust the save value by. | This function will activate target mode. The target you click will have its will save value adjusted by the value specified. Positive values will cause an increase, while negative values will cause a decrease. | |
dm_modifyspellresistance <x> | x is an integer value indicating the amount to adjust the spell resistance by. | You cannot set the inherent spell resistance using scripts. | This function will activate target mode. The target you click will have its spell resistance adjusted by the value specified. Positive values will cause an increase, while negative values will cause a decrease. Appears in the character sheet. If no value is entered it uses 0, but there is a minimum of 10 if you use a number lower than 10. You cannot seem to remove it once set unless you possess and unpossess a creature (which seems to remove it entirely?). |
Local Variable Manipulation
These help do some debugging and some very simple variable manipulation in case quests are stuck etc.
For the object commands you can select these in game objects:
- Creatures
- Objects (on the ground or in inventories)
- Current Area (select an empty patch of ground)
- Placeables
- Doors
You cannot seem to select triggers or encounters - they are greyed out even if Display Triggers in DM mode is on.
Command | Valid Operators | Equivalent Script Command | Notes and Description |
Dump All Variables | |||
dm_dumparealocals | None | This command will print out all local variables set on the area you are currently in into chat. Your chat window must be combined to see the printed results. | |
dm_dumplocals | None | This command will print out the tag and all local variables set on the target into chat. Your chat window must be combined to see the printed results. | |
dm_dumpmodulelocals | None | This command will print out all local variables set on the module into chat. Your chat window must be combined to see the printed results. | |
Module Get | |||
dm_getmodulevarfloat <varname> | varname is the name of the variable to get. | GetLocalFloat(GetModule(), "varname"); | This function will retrieve and display on screen the specified local variable from the module. |
dm_getmodulevarint <varname> | varname is the name of the variable to get. | GetLocalInt(GetModule(), "varname"); | This function will retrieve and display on screen the specified local variable from the module. |
dm_getmodulevarobject <varname> | varname is the name of the variable to get. | GetLocalObject(GetModule(), "varname"); | This function will retrieve and display on screen the specified local variable from the module. Objects are referred to by integer IDs, and will return 2130706432 as "Invalid Object" (not set or object no longer exists). |
dm_getmodulevarstring <varname> | varname is the name of the variable to get. | GetLocalString(GetModule(), "varname"); | This function will retrieve and display on screen the specified local variable from the module. |
dm_getmodulevarvector <varname> | varname is the name of the variable to get. | There is no vector local type | This doesn't do anything, since setting a vector then getting it doesn't return anything. Precursor to full "locations" perhaps. |
Module Set | |||
dm_setmodulevarfloat <varname> <value> | varname is the name of the variable to set.value is a floating point value that varname will be set to. | SetLocalFloat(GetModule(), "varname", value); | This function will set a local variable on the module with the specified name and value. |
dm_setmodulevarint <varname> <value> | varname is the name of the variable to set.value is an integer value that varname will be set to. | SetLocalInt(GetModule(), "varname", value); | This function will set a local variable on the module with the specified name and value. |
dm_setmodulevarobject <varname> <value> | varname is the name of the variable to set.value is an object id value that varname will be set to. | SetLocalObject(GetModule(), "varname", value); | This function will set a local variable on the module with the specified name and value. Objects are referred to by integer IDs, and will return 2130706432 as "Invalid Object" (not set or object no longer exists). |
dm_setmodulevarstring <varname> <value> | varname is the name of the variable to set.value is a string that varname will be set to. | SetLocalString(GetModule(), "varname", value); | This function will set a local variable on the module with the specified name and value. |
dm_setmodulevarvector <varname> <x> <y> <z>
| varname is the name of the variable to set.x , y , and z are floating point values indicating the x, y, and z components of the vector. | There is no vector local type | This doesn't do anything, since setting a vector then getting it doesn't return anything. Precursor to full "locations" perhaps. |
Object Get (select an object, or the ground for the area) | |||
dm_getvarfloat <varname> | varname is the name of the variable to get. | GetLocalLocation(oObject, "varname"); | This function will activate target mode. The specified local variable will be retrieved from the target you click and be displayed on screen. |
dm_getvarint <varname> | varname is the name of the variable to get. | GetLocalInt(oObject, "varname"); | This function will activate target mode. The specified local variable will be retrieved from the target you click and be displayed on screen. |
dm_getvarobject <varname> | varname is the name of the variable to get. | GetLocalObject(oObject, "varname"); | This function will activate target mode. The specified local variable will be retrieved from the target you click and be displayed on screen. Objects are referred to by integer IDs, and will return 2130706432 as "Invalid Object" (not set or object no longer exists). |
dm_getvarstring <varname> | varname is the name of the variable to get. | GetLocalString(oObject, "varname"); | This function will activate target mode. The specified local variable will be retrieved from the target you click and be displayed on screen. |
dm_getvarvector <varname> | varname is the name of the variable to get. | There is no vector local type | This doesn't do anything, since setting a vector then getting it doesn't return anything. Precursor to full "locations" perhaps. |
Object Set (select an object, or the ground for the area) | |||
dm_setvarfloat <varname> <value> | varname is the name of the variable to set.value is a floating point value that varname will be set to. | SetLocalFloat(oObject, "varname", value); | This function will activate target mode. The target you click will have a local variable set with the specified name and value. |
dm_setvarint <varname> <value> | varname is the name of the variable to set.value is an integer value that varname will be set to. | SetLocalInt(oObject, "varname", value); | This function will activate target mode. The target you click will have a local variable set with the specified name and value. |
dm_setvarobject <varname> <value> | varname is the name of the variable to set.value is an object id that varname will be set to. | SetLocalObject(oObject, "varname", value); | This function will activate target mode. The target you click will have a local variable set with the specified name and value. Objects are referred to by integer IDs, and will return 2130706432 as "Invalid Object" (not set or object no longer exists). |
dm_setvarstring <varname> <value> | varname is the name of the variable to set.value is a string that varname will be set to. | SetLocalString(oObject, "varname", value); | This function will activate target mode. The target you click will have a local variable set with the specified name and value. |
dm_setvarvector <varname> <x> <y> <z> | varname is the name of the variable to set.x , y , and z are floating point values indicating the x, y, and z components of the vector. | There is no vector local type | This doesn't do anything, since setting a vector then getting it doesn't return anything. Precursor to full "locations" perhaps. |
Faction Commands
Command | Valid Operators | Equivalent Script Command | Notes and Description |
dm_getfactionreputation <x> <y> | X and Y are the names of factions. | Not possible by faction name, but is possible if you have two creatures to test. | This function will retrieve the reputation value for how faction2 feels about faction1 and display it. You cannot run faction commands by faction name in scripts. |
dm_setfaction <faction> | faction is the name of the faction to set the target to. | Not possible by faction name, but is possible if you have a creature in the target faction to add them to. | This function will activate target mode. The target you click will have its faction set to the one specified. |
dm_setfactiondefender | ChangeToStandardFaction(oObject, STANDARD_FACTION_DEFENDER); | This function will activate target mode. The target you click will have its faction set to be in the defender standard faction. | |
dm_setfactionenemy | ChangeToStandardFaction(oObject, STANDARD_FACTION_HOSTILE); | This function will activate target mode. The target you click will have its faction set to be in the hostile standard faction. | |
dm_setfactionreputation <faction1> <faction2> <x> | faction1 and faction2 are the names of factions.x is an integer value indicating the value to set the reputation value to. | Not possible by faction name, but is possible if you have two creatures to test. | This function will set the reputation value for how faction2 feels about faction1 (0 is hostile, 100 is friendly) |
Dungeon Master Commands
Command | Valid Operators | Equivalent Script Command | Notes and Description |
dm_allspells X | x is either 0 or 1. | This function will enable all spells from all classes to be cast by the player if a value of 1 is specified. Specifying 0 will disable this and the player will only be allowed to cast spells his/her character is permitted according to that character's class/abilities. This command is only functional for ordinary players if debug mode is active at the moment of casting. | |
dm_gettime | This function will display the current game time of the module on screen. It retrieves the values MinutesPerHour, Year, Month, Day, Hour, and TimeOfDayState (Dawn, Day, Dusk, Night). It does not display minutes, seconds, or microseconds. To get those values you will need to script for them. | ||
dm_settime <h> <m> <s> <ms> | h is the hour to set the time to.m is the minutes to set the time to.s is the seconds to set the time is the milliseconds to set the time to. | This function will set the game time in the module to the specified hour, minute, second, and millisecond. The <m> minute argument is dependent on the module's MinutesPerHour setting (default 2) so value's over that setting (ie 2-59) will give unexpected results so it's important to keep your minutes below the MinutesPerHour setting. i.e. for 10 seconds before Dusk using the default you can type dm_settime 17 1 50 0. Use dm_gettime above to retrieve the module's MinutesPerHour setting. | |
dm_giveXP <x> | X is an integer value indicating the amount of experience points to give. | GiveXPToCreature(oObject, x); | This function will activate target mode. The target you click will be given the specified amount of experience points. Need to test if it takes into account multiclass penalties. |
dm_givegold <x> | X is an integer value indicating the amount of gold to give. | GiveGoldToCreature(oObject, x); | This function will activate target mode. The target you click will be given the specified amount of gold. |
dm_givelevel <x> | x is an integer value indicating the number of experience levels to give or take away. | SetXP(oObject, x); - you can calculate the XP needed for the next level from the 2da file exptable.2da | This function will activate target mode. The target you click will be given enough experience points to advance the specified number of experience levels, or the amount of experience is taken away and delevels them. If they are already ready to level up, adding just 1 level won't do anything. For instance GiveLevel 1, then GiveLevel 1 - the second does nothing. While GiveLevel 1 then GiveLevel 2 will make them 2 levels higher (if they missed levelling up in between the commands). |
dm_god | SetPlotFlag(OBJECT_SELF, TRUE); | This function will make the player invulnerable (essentially sets the plot flag) using it again toggles it off. | |
dm_heal | ApplyEffectToObject(OBJECT_SELF, EffectRessurection()); ApplyEffectToObject(OBJECT_SELF, EffectHeal(GetMaxHitPoints(OBJECT_SELF))); | This function will ressurect and restore the player back to full hitpoints. Can be used when dead. | |
dm_jumptopoint <x> <y> <area> | x and y are floating point values indicating the (x,y)-coordinates to jump to within the target area.area is the tag of the area to jump to. | This function will send the player to the specified x,y coordinate in the area specified. Given debug mode and DM mode has the chooser menu under using the period (.) key this is a little unnecessary. Also debug mode and DM mode has a Jump To in the same area - press + on the number pad, or as a DM right click a spot. | |
dm_levelup | SetXP(OBJECT_SELF, x); - you can calculate the XP needed for the next level from the 2da file exptable.2da | This function will advance the player by one level of experience, unless they are already waiting to level up in which case it does nothing. | |
dm_movetoarea <area> | area is the area tag of the area to move to. | This function will move the player to the specified area. | |
dm_runscript <script> | script is the name of the script to run. | This function will run the specified script. | |
dm_showarea | This function will reveal all the tiles in the current area by removing the 'fog of war'. | ||
dm_spawncreature <creature> | creature is the ResRef of the creature to spawn in. | This function will effectively cause the player to summon the specified creature. | |
dm_spawnitem <item> | item is the ResRef of the item to create. | This function will create the specified item on the ground under the mouse cursor. | |
dm_mylittlepony | This function will enable a cool visual treat! Typing it again will toggle the effect off. | ||
dm_cowsfromhell | This function will summon, well... cows from hell! Should be used with care (or only if one does not care) as it can kill plot characters. |
Scene GUI
These presumably do something to the scenes GUI. If you test them update this info. They don't really seem to do anything.
Command | Valid Operators | Notes and Description |
sceneGUI_Overlay.fogstart | Reports 5.00000 as default value | |
...and many more | ||
Other Commands
You probably never want to use these, may be broken, or just not do anything.
Command | Valid Operators | Notes and Description |
PleaseCrash | ??? | Instantly crashes the game. Doesn't seem to generate a crash dump in the documents folder. |
GOGInvite | ??? | Needs GOG Rich Support, likely used to test inviting other GOG users. |
displaystrref | ??? | Can't seem to get it to do anything, any dialog.tlk numbers or text or whatever. |
newanim | ??? | Crashes the game with no parameters. Probably something to do with the below potential model commands. |
newmodel | ??? | No feedback, something to do with the (possibly) model commands below? model file format uses this. |
donemodel | ??? | No feedback, something to do with the (possibly) model commands below? model file format uses this. |
beginmodelgeom | ??? | Crashes the game with a bug report, may be to do with models which contain "beginmodelgeom" sections. Unknown however how this works. |
classification | ??? | Crashes the game if you use something like "classification effect" but unknown what this is - probably again to do with modelling due to it being part of the model spec. |
ignorefog | ??? | Doesn't seem to do anything, no feedback and area fog still remains. |