For a brief tutorial on shaders see:
NWN:EE shaders are the Open GL Shading Language (GLSL) code blocks which are run by the game to render scenes.
Shader Types
There are a few types of shader which run at different points in the rendering process.
As an editor, you have access to three types of shader.
Vertex Shader
This shader helps a scene determine where vertices should be relative to where the client is looking.
Everything rendered between the vertices needs to have this part first so it knows where those vertices will be and can then interpolate what screen pixel will see what texture pixels.
Everything between vertices will be handled by a fragment shader later after getting base information from this shader.
Vertex shaders handle model transforms, such as those passed in from the toolset, those applied by runtime transform effects, and the bones inside skinned models.
Vertex shaders also handle base lighting functions related to how that vertex is oriented with respect to any given light.
Before a vertex shader is run on any given vertex in a mesh, the meshes available are first clipped to the view prism. This is a shape which includes what the engine expects you can see within your visible range, up, down, left and right. Anything not in that view prism will be omitted from the vertex shader for the scene, so you cannot shift distant objects into the view of a player if they're previously clipped. While you can modify how the content in the view prism is drawn, you cannot modify the view prism from inside the vertex shader. Any attempt to see beyond the hardcoded view prism will result in your final scene missing objects that were clipped away.
Each mesh will run its own copy of a vertex shader, which will differ based on what is being rendered. By default, different mesh types will be sent through specific shaders.
You can modify which vertex shader is used via material files. To change the vertex shader, use the command "customshadervs" followed by the name of the shader you want to use.
If you supply a custom shader command in a material file, then both fragment and vertex shaders must be explicitly supplied.
Fragment Shader
You can think of your screen as a 3D array. You have screen width X screen height X screen depth.
Each mesh or particle anywhere in the depth that needs to be considered for drawing is a fragment.
The fragment shader gets position and base lighting information from the vertex shader, and then finishes most of the rest of drawing.
Fragment shaders only have access to vertex information which is passed forward to them by their vertex shader counterpart.
Each fragment will run its own copy of a fragment shader, which will differ based on what is being rendered. By default, different mesh and particle types will be sent through specific shaders.
You can modify which shaders meshes are sent through using material files. To change the fragment shader, use the command "customshaderfs" followed by the name of the shader you want to use.
If you supply a custom shader command in a material file, then both fragment and vertex shaders must be explicitly supplied.
Post Processing Shader
Post Processing is what happens after the scene is built with the fragment shaders. This is where you add final touches to the final image.
This is actually a series of connected shader chunks which you can enable/disable. The standard functions currently include:
- Sharpen
- Vibrance
- Depth of Field Blurring
- Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO)
- Dynamic Contrast
- Gamma Correction
- Special Filters (ex. Toon Filter)
There is only one post processing shader that is used by the whole screen, so cannot define a separate post processing shader for each material.
Post processing shaders do not have access to vertex and fragment information from the individual meshes and particles. They only access the current frame being finished, or the frame buffers of a previous frame.
Standard Uniforms Available to Shaders
Uniform | Type | Located In | Purpose |
bboxMin/bboxMax | vec3 | inc_common | Give access to local bounds of a given rendered mesh in xyz. |
texFBColor | sampler2D | inc_common | Frame buffer (screen pixel color). This buffer is an image with width and height in unit space (0 to 1) as opposed to your screen dimensions. Each fragment contains the pixel color of that pixel on your screen from a previously drawn frame. The color buffer does not contain information from emitter particles. |
texFBDepth | sampler2D | inc_common | Depth Buffer. This buffer is an image with width and height in unit space (0 to 1) as opposed to your screen dimensions. Each fragment contains the depth of field at that pixel on your screen from a previously drawn frame. The depth buffer does not contain information from emitter particles. |
fogParams | vec4 | inc_common | Contains XYZW = [fogEnabled, fogStart, FogEnd, fogInvEndMinusStart]. In older shaders these values were separate uniforms. |
playerPosition | vec3 | inc_common | player position in world coordinates |
playerCameraDist | float | inc_common | distance between player and camera position |
playerInCutscene | int | inc_common | flag denoting if player is in cutscene camera mode |
cameraPosition | vec3 | inc_common | position of the camera in world coordinates |
cameraPitch | float | inc_common | |
cameraYaw | float | inc_common | |
cameraFocus | vec3 | inc_common | the vector the camera is focused toward (ie. camera facing) |
cameraViewAngle | float | inc_common | |
cameraDialogState | int | inc_common | |
userinputMousePosition | ivec2 | inc_common | screenspace coordinates of mouse pointer (lower left is 0,0) |
screenParams | vec2 | inc_common | contains XY = [screenWidth, screenHeight]. In older shaders these values were separate uniforms. |
pixelParams | vec3 | inc_common | contains XYZ = [invScreenWidth, invScreenHeight, fAspectRatio] In older shaders these values were separate uniforms. |
clipParams | vec3 | inc_common | contains XYZ = [nearClip, farClip, fDepthToLinearModifier] In older shaders these values were separate uniforms. |
m_proj | mat4 | inc_common | matrix for converting from view to screen projection |
m_proj_inv | mat4 | inc_common | matrix for converting from screen projection to view |
m_vp_inv | mat4 | inc_common | matrix for converting from screen projection to world |
m_view_inv | mat4 | inc_common | matrix for converting from view to world |
m_view | mat4 | inc_common | matrix for converting from world to view |
m_texture | mat4 | inc_common | matrix for applying uv orientation |
m_mv | mat4 | inc_common | matrix for converting from model to view |
m_mvp | mat4 | inc_common | matrix for converting from model to screen projection |
texNoiseBound | int | inc_common | Equals 1 if noise texture was bound |
texture<n>Bound {1..16} | int | inc_common | 11 separate uniforms identifying if texture n is bound, where <n> = 0 to 10 |
texEnvCubeBound | int | inc_common | Equals 1 if an environment cubemap is bound |
texEnvBound | int | inc_common | Equals 1 if an environment flatmap is bound |
m_boneRotations[] | vec4 | inc_common | Contains orientations of bones at the current frame for use with Mobile version |
m_bonePositions[] | vec4 | inc_common | Contains positions of bones at the current frame for use with Mobile version |
m_bones | mat4 | inc_common | Contains matrix transforms for bones (both position and rotation) for use with non-Mobile versions |
texUnit<n> | sampler2D | inc_common | 11 separate uniforms containing the texture sampler for texture n, where <n> = 0 to 10 |
DisplacementOffset | float | inc_common | Defines the offset from which height map displacement will begin. Can be modified in the material file using "parameter" lines |
texUnitEnv | sampler2D | inc_common | contains the texture sampler for the environment map |
texUnitEnvCube | samplerCube | inc_common | contains the cubemap sampler for a cubemap environment |
texUnitNoise | sampler2D | inc_common | contains the noise texture sampler |
envMapCube | int | inc_common | Equals 1 if environment map type is cubemap, otherwise type is flatmap |
fAlphaDiscardValue | float | inc_common | Contains the minimum alpha level to draw. Any value below this will be dropped, greatly speeding up rendering of transparent objects as they stack up over distance. |
skinmesh | int | inc_common | Equals 1 if the mesh type is a skinmesh |
Specularity | float | inc_material | Contains a specularity override value, as passed in from a material file. If not provided, specularity will be imported from texUnit2 red channel, or in the case that specularity is based on the environment map, it will be calculated from there. Positive values only. |
Roughness | float | inc_material | Contains a roughness override value, as passed in from a material file. If not provided, roughness will be imported from texUnit3 red channel, or in the case that roughness is also included in the spec map, it will be read from texUnit2 green channel. Positive values only. Use flag MATERIAL_READ_ROUGHNESS_FROM_SPECULAR_MAP = 1 to force reading from texUnit2 green channel. |
Metallicness | float | inc_material | Contains a metallicness override value, as passed in from a material file. If not provided, metallicness will be calculated from specularity. Positive values only. |
CustomSpecularColor | vec4 | inc_material | Contains a specular color override value, as passed in from a material file. Prevents specular color from being derived from albedo, height, and metallicness. |
lightColor[] | vec4 | inc_lighting | Contains the light color for each light passed to the shader for the scene. Used if gamma correction is enabled. |
lightMaxIntensityInv | float | inc_lighting | |
lightFalloffFactor | float | inc_lighting | |
lightAmbient[] | vec4 | inc_lighting | Contains the ambient light color for each light passed to the shader for the scene. Used if gamma correction is not enabled. |
lightDiffuse[] | vec4 | inc_lighting | Contains the diffuse light color for each light passed to the shader for the scene. Used if gamma correction is not enabled. |
lightQuadraticAtten[] | float | inc_lighting | Contains the light light falloff calculation for each light in the scene. |
lightPosition[] | vec4 | inc_lighting | Contains the position of each light in the scene in world coordinates. |
numLights | int | inc_lighting | Number of lights passed to the shader for the scene. |
staticLighting | int | inc_lighting | |
lightAreaAmbient | vec3 | inc_lighting | The color of the area ambient lighting at this fragment |
lightAreaDiffuse | vec3 | inc_lighting | The color of the area diffuse lighting at this fragment |
lightAreaDiffuseDirection | vec3 | inc_lighting | Effectively the sun angle for the diffuse light from the sun |
materialFrontAmbient | vec4 | inc_lighting | The ambient light color of the fragment based on vertex color |
materialFrontDiffuse | vec4 | inc_lighting | The diffuse light color of the fragment based on vertex color |
materialFrontEmissive | vec4 | inc_lighting | The self illumination color of the fragment based on the self illumination value of the mesh. Added to total light of that fragment. |
frontLightModelProductSceneColor | vec4 | inc_lighting | Used mostly for GUI elements. Used to calculate constant light for those elements. |
keyholeCanDissolve | int | inc_keyhole | Equals 1 if keyholing is enabled and the material can be dissolved |
keyholeDiameterMax | float | inc_keyhole | |
keyholeDiameterMin | float | inc_keyhole | |
sceneCurrentFrame | int |
inc_uniforms | As of preview build v.87.8193.35[dd1322cd], this uniform was removed from inc_water and placed into inc_uniforms |
worldtimerTimeOfDay | int |
| This value is the number of ticks since the client was started and does NOT represent anything related to module time. There are 144000 ticks per day divided by moduleMinutesPerHour. There is a potential for time error when the module does not load cleanly, causing a large delay. Setting module time with NWScript or debug functions will also not update this value. As of preview build v.87.8193.35[dd1322cd], this uniform was removed from inc_water and placed into inc_uniforms |
moduleYear | int |
inc_uniforms | Testing of moduleYear has shown that it does not always get sent to the shader with correct value. Using this value for any purpose can result in counted effects being misrendered. As of preview build v.87.8193.35[dd1322cd], this uniform was removed from inc_water and placed into inc_uniforms |
moduleMonth | int |
inc_uniforms | Integer value of module month. As of preview build v.87.8193.35[dd1322cd], this uniform was removed from inc_water and placed into inc_uniforms |
moduleDay | int |
inc_uniforms | Integer value of module day. As of preview build v.87.8193.35[dd1322cd], this uniform was removed from inc_water and placed into inc_uniforms |
moduleHour | int |
inc_uniforms | Integer value of the module time.
windPointSourcesCount | int | inc_water | Number of wind point sources in the scene |
windPointSourcesPosition[] | vec3 | inc_water | Contains the position of all wind sources in the scene |
windPointSourcesRadius[] | float | inc_water | Contains the radius of all wind sources in the scene |
windPointSourcesDuration[] | float | inc_water | Contains the expected duration of each wind source in the scene |
windPointSourcesIntensity[] | float | inc_water | Contains the wind intensity of each wind source in the scene |
windPointSourcesTimeRemaining[] | float | inc_water | Contains the remaining time allowed to each wind source in the scene |
moduleDawnHour | int |
inc_uniforms | The hour at which Dawn-related sky mixing occurs. Sent over to shader from module properties. As of preview build v.87.8193.35[dd1322cd], this uniform was removed from inc_water and placed into inc_uniforms |
moduleDuskHour | int |
inc_uniforms | The hour at which Dusk-related sky mixing occurs. Sent over to shader from module properties. As of preview build v.87.8193.35[dd1322cd], this uniform was removed from inc_water and placed into inc_uniforms |
moduleMinutesPerHour | int |
inc_uniforms | Time scale of the module. Also directly related to transition timers. Sent over to shader from module properties. As of preview build v.87.8193.35[dd1322cd], this uniform was removed from inc_water and placed into inc_uniforms |
moduleTimeIntoTransition | float | ??? | This value counts up from the last known transition, such as moduleDuskHour or moduleDawnHour. It also counts up from zero after those transitions end, and so will tick all day long. At these points it resets to 0.0: moduleDawnHour, moduleDawnHour+1, moduleDuskHour, and moduleDuskHour+1.
Otherwise, we can say that the following formula can almost match the module time since the last transition began or ended: |
moduleTransitionTime | float | ??? | The scale of the transition time. For example, 1 hour is 60 units when moduleMinutesPerHour = 1. |
areaGlobalWind | vec3 | inc_water | Contains the global wind vector for the area |
areaWeatherDensity | float | inc_water | Contains the intensity of current weather |
areaFlags | int | inc_water | 1=Interior, 2=Underground, 4=Natural |
areaWeatherType | int | inc_water | 0=Clear/none, 2=Rain, 3=Snow |
m_m | mat4 | various / post processing | Matrix for converting from model to world coordinates |
projectionSource | vec4 | vs_beamvol vs_shadowvol | |
projectionWorldZClip | float | vs_beamvol vs_shadowvol | |
particleSizeMax | float | vsparticle | |
particleSoften | int | vsparticle | Used for non-Mobile version when equals 1. |
DOFAmount | float | inc_postpr_dof | |
DOFDeadZone | float | inc_postpr_dof | |
DOFVignette | float | inc_postpr_dof | edge of screen blur |
DOFFocusType | int | inc_postpr_dof | set to camera pitch by default |
DynamicContrastMidpoint | float | inc_postpr_dyn_c | |
DynamicContrastIntensity | float | inc_postpr_dyn_c | |
Gamma | float | inc_postpr_gam | |
Vibrance | float | inc_postpr_vibr | |
globalColor | vec4 | fs vsfbdof vsfblvls vsfbshrp vsfbvib | The default color when one is otherwise not supplied |
PLTScheme[15] | float | fs_pltgen | The PLT color scheme info PLT based diffuse is a composite of a grayscale value from the PLT red channel and a color by number value from the green channel of the PLT, which is passed via texUnit0. The actual color picked is the XY vector equal to RG color vector, and is picked from the gradient map provided in texUnit1. First step is converting the texUnit0 green value through the PLT scheme info, thereby converting it to the proper Y coordinate (gradient row) in texUnit1. |
AOIntensity | float | fsfbssao | |
scriptableInt<n> {1..16} | Int | inc_scriptable | A global integer value which can be set per-player via nwscript and passed into all shaders run by that player. The data type appears to be signed integer (Int32), with maximum values of −2,147,483,648 (−231) through 2,147,483,647 (231 − 1) As of preview v.87.8193.35[869dfc51] - 15 Jul 2022 there are 16 of these global uniforms. |
scriptableFloat<n> {1..16} | float | inc_scriptable | A global float value which can be set per-player via nwscript and passed into all shaders run by that player. The data type appears to be signed float (Float32), with expected maximum values of 3.402823466e+38 through 1.175494351e-38 As of preview v.87.8193.35[869dfc51] - 15 Jul 2022 there are 16 of these global uniforms. |
scriptableVec<n> {1..16} | vec4 | inc_scriptable | A global vec4 value which can be set per-player via nwscript and passed into all shaders run by that player. vec4 can be read in the shader as an array of Float32 values in the order XYZW, or RGBA. Max values are expected to follow Float32 limits As of preview v.87.8193.35[869dfc51] - 15 Jul 2022 there are 16 of these global uniforms. |
targetObjectType | int | inc_target | Identifies the target type of the object under the cursor. Only available in preview build v.87.8193.35[dd1322cd] or later Value corresponds with TARGET_OBJECT_TYPE_* values in NwScript, added in the same build. |
targetWorldCoords | vec3 | inc_target | Gives the world coordinates of the cursor. Presumably taken from the projection onto the underlying walkmesh. If no walkmesh exists, will possibly give the position of the skybox under the world, if one goes down that far. Only available in preview build v.87.8193.35[dd1322cd] or later |
targetShape | int | inc_target | Identifies the target indicator shape. Only available in preview build v.87.8193.35[dd1322cd] or later Value corresponds with TARGET_SHAPE_* values in NwScript, added in the same build. |
targetShapeHarmsEnemies | int | inc_target | Set to 1 if spell using this shape will harm enemies |
targetShapeHarmsAllies | int | inc_target | Set to 1 if spell using this shape will harm allies |
targetShapeHelpsAllies | int | inc_target | Set to 1 if spell using this shape will help allies |
targetShapeIgnoreSelf | int | inc_target | Set to 1 if spell using this shape will ignore the caster |
targetShapeOriginOnSelf | int | inc_target | Set to 1 if the spell origin is the caster |
targetShapeX | float | inc_target | Specifies the X axis dimensions in meters of the target shape |
targetShapeY | float | inc_target | Specifies the Y axis dimensions in meters of the target shape |
targetShapeSpellID | int | inc_target | Carries the ID of the spell or spell-like effect which is using this target shape |
targetShapeFeatID | int | inc_target | Carries the ID of the feat or feat-like effect which is using this target shape |
targetShapeSpellRange | int | inc_target | Specifies the max range of the spell using this target, allowing the shader to draw a dotted line from caster to the point which they need to move to in order to cast the spell to the cursor position. |
Standard Defines Available
Define | Type | Defined By | Purpose |
SHADER_TYPE | int | Engine or MTR file | 1 = Vertex Shader |
LIGHTING | int | Engine or MTR file | 1 = Will get and perform lighting information in both vertex and fragment shaders |
KEYHOLING | int | Engine or MTR file | 1 = Will allow keyholing to clip away fragments which could obscure player view |
FOG | int | Engine or MTR file | 1 = Will get and perform fog application |
NORMAL_MAP | int | Engine or MTR file | 1 = Expects to find a normal map in material texture1 line Will enable normal map functions |
SPECULAR_MAP | int | Engine or MTR file | 1 = Expects to find a specular map in material texture2 line Will enable specular map functions |
ROUGHNESS_MAP | int | Engine or MTR file | 1 = Expects to find a specular map in material texture3 line Will enable roughness map functions |
HEIGHT_MAP | int | Engine or MTR file | 1 = Expects to find height map in material texture4 line Will enable height map calculations and fragment displacement |
SELF_ILLUMINATION_MAP | int | Engine or MTR file | 1 = Expects to find illumination map in material texture5 line Will enable self illumination coloring and lighting |
ENVIRONMENT_MAP | int | Engine or MTR file | 1 = Expects to use an environment map |
POSITION_WORLD | int | MTR file | 1 = Will calculate world position in the vertex shader and pass that info to the fragment shader Handy information for UV coordinates based on world space Used for water rendering |
SPECULAR_LIGHT | int | Engine | 1 = This vertex will get specular light. Enables specularity, roughness, and metalicness features |
FRAGMENT_NORMAL | int | Engine | 1 = Normal will be derived from fragment normal |
FRAGMENT_LIGHTING | int | Engine | 1 = |
VERTEX_COLOR | int | Engine | 1 = Vertex color will be passed forward from vertex shader |
LIGHTING | int | Engine | 1 = Vertex color will come from lighting |
MATERIAL_READ_SELF_ILLUMINATION_FROM_SPECULAR_MAP | int | MTR | 1 = Will read B&W self-illumination data from specular map (material texture2) blue channel, instead of full color from texture5 |
SHADER_DEBUG_MODE | int | Engine | Various values equivalent to the shader debug mode options on the in-game debug GUI panel |
NO_TEXTURE | int | Engine | 1 = if there is no texture map passed to shader |
NO_TEXTURE_COORDS | int | Engine | 1 = if there is no UV data passed to the shader |
POSITION_VIEW | int | MTR | 1 = Will calculate position view in the vertex shader and pass that info to the fragment shader |
GAMMA_CORRECTION | int | Engine | 1 = Will perform gamma correction type based on subtype Also changes how lights are sent to the shader Also changes light attenuation ranges |
COLOR_CORRECTION_TYPE | int | Engine | 0 = None 1 = Basic color clamp ("Neutral Brightness and Hue Preserve") 2 = ACES color correction |
POSTPROCESSING | int | Engine | 1 = Means this pass is the post processing pass |
SPECULAR_DISTRIBUTION_MODEL | int | Engine | 0 = Blinn-Phong 1 = GGX other = Beckmann |
SPECULAR_GEOMETRIC_SHADOWING | int | Engine | 2 = Factors in roughness |
SHADER_QUALITY_MODE | int | Engine | Modifies various shader quality outcomes 0 = Fast Fresnel, no light softening, no roughness shadowing Sets SPECULAR_FRESNEL = 0 1 = Sets SPECULAR_FRESNEL = 2 >1 = Slower Fresnel, extra light fading and mixing, Enables LIGHT_SOFTENING_ENABLED Enables SPECULAR_GEOMETRIC_SHADOWING Sets SPECULAR_FRESNEL = 1 |
SPECULAR_FRESNEL | int | Engine | 1 = Modifies specular intensity by Fresnel 2 = Mixes Fresnel specularity into specularity |
LIGHT_SOFTENING_ENABLED | int | Engine | 1 = Smooths light application |
NO_DISCARD | int | Engine | 1 = Prevents discard calls, forcing 0% alpha to still try drawing on a fragment |
MATERIAL_ROUGHNESS_OVERRIDE | int | Engine | 1 = Signals shader that roughness value will be in the form of a parameter from the MTR file. Used more explicitly in inc_water. |
MATERIAL_SPECULARITY_OVRRIDE | int | Engine | 1 = Signals shader that specularity value will be in the form of a parameter from the MTR file. Used more explicitly in inc_water. |
MATERIAL_METALICNESS_OVERRIDE | int | Engine | 1 = Signals shader that metalicness value will be in the form of a parameter from the MTR file. Used more explicitly in inc_water. |
MATERIAL_READ_ROUGHNESS_FROM_SPECULAR_MAP | int | MTR | 1 = Will read roughness from texture2 green channel, instead of from texture3 red channel |
MATERIAL_SPECULAR_COLOR_OVERRIDE | int | Engine | 1 = Changes how specular color is handled. Used more explicitly in inc_water. |
KEYHOLING_ENABLED | int | Engine | 1 = Similar to KEYHOLING from MTR |
MOBILE | int | Engine | 1 = User is on a mobile device. Handles differences in how bones and other aspects are handled. |
POSTPROCESSING_TYPES_ENABLED | int | Engine | Holds the flags for each enabled post processing subroutine that is turned on. |
MAX_NUM_LIGHTS | int | Engine | Identifies the max number of lights available to the shader lighting loops and the array size of the light data arrays. |
MAX_NUM_BONES | int | Engine | Identifies how many bones are being sent into the vertex shader for orientation and position calculation of that vertex. |
BUILD_VERSION | int | Engine | Contains the version number like "8192" |
BUILD_REVISION | int | Engine | Contains the revision number like "35" |
Shader Include Files and Hierarchy
The OC shaders have include files which include other include files, not unlike supermodel structure in models and their animations.
As of preview build v.87.8193.35[dd1322cd] custom shaders making use of uniforms copied from inc_water/fs_water will give "redefinition" error #198 in the toolset, such as:
ERROR: 1:4352: error(#198) Redefinition error: moduleMinutesPerHour
To fix that issue, simply remove any line using "uniform <type> <name>" where <name> is defined as a uniform within inc_uniforms
As of preview build v.87.8193.35[2070a8b9] an additional subset of uniforms was moved into inc_uniforms.
Include Files
Filename | Purpose |
inc_standard | Contains standard shader application functions, as well as debug modes, and input initialization. Works as an include hub, bringing in code from other important includes. |
inc_lighting | Contains functions for calculating lighting. Also includes the array of lights and their setup. Handles specular and fresnel content. |
inc_material | Sets up standard material maps 0 to 5. Handles environment mapping, initializes specular mapping, and begins height map displacement. |
inc_common | Sets up enumerations and constant color values. Makes sure many switches are at least set to 0 rather than null. Contains uniforms related to screenspace, clipping, and projection matrices. Contains functions related to matrix transforms and color correction. |
inc_config | Short file handling testing switches, such as light softening and specular distribution. |
inc_keyhole | Setup and use of keyholing. |
inc_water | Works like inc_standard for fancy water. |
inc_envmap | Sets up environment maps and cubes. Includes functions for picking from those maps. |
inc_fog | Handles construction and application of fog. If not included, some important fog uniforms will not be available. |
inc_transform | Sets up texture-handedness, handles bones for skins, and manages base transforms. When requested, will also setup world, and projection positions for use in fragment shader. |
inc_uniforms | Contains a bunch of uniforms previously dispersed throughout other files, such as fs_water. |
inc_random | Contains functions for producing random numbers, noise, and gradients. |
inc_displacement | Handles height map displacement |
inc_target | Handles new spell targetning shapes |
inc_tonemap | Contains a bunch of color correction functions previously found in inc_lighting and others. |
inc_framebuffer | Sets up framebuffer for color and depth. Includes functions for convering screenspace to worldspace and back again. |
inc_scriptable | Includes global shader uniforms commandable via nwscript. |
inc_postpr | The hub entrypoint for postprocessing shader. Will include other post processing related files when enabled in client options. |
Include Heirarchy
The current stable structure is:
inc_standard | ||||
↳ | inc_lighting | |||
| | ↳ | inc_material | ||
| | ↳ | inc_common | ||
| | ↳ | inc_config | ||
↳ | inc_keyhole | |||
↳ | inc_common |
The current patch structure is:
inc_standard | ||||
↳ | inc_lighting | |||
| | ↳ | inc_material | ||
| | ┠ | inc_common | ||
| | | | ↳ | inc_config | |
| | ↳ | inc_envmap | ||
| | ↳ | inc_common | ||
┠ | inc_fog * | |||
| | ↳ | inc_common | ||
┠ | inc_transform | |||
| | ↳ | inc_common | ||
┠ | inc_keyhole | |||
| | ↳ | inc_common | ||
| | ┠ | inc_uniforms | ||
| | ↳ | inc_random | ||
| | ↳ | inc_common | ||
┠ | inc_displacement | |||
| | ↳ | inc_common | ||
┠ | inc_target | |||
| | ↳ | inc_uniforms | ||
↳ | inc_tonemap | |||
↳ | inc_config |
*Only when #define FOG = 1
The current patch water structure:
inc_water | ||||
┠ | inc_config | |||
┠ | inc_uniforms | |||
┠ | inc_random | |||
┠ | inc_framebuffer | |||
| | ↳ | inc_common | ||
↳ | inc_standard |
Red denotes repeated branch. Blue denotes the first instance of an include within the standard tree structure.
Please note that custom and post processing shaders have other structures, sometimes using these includes out of order.
Archived Lists:
* int screenWidth, int screenHeight
Viewport size.
* float nearClip, float farClip
Render clipping cutoff.
* int sceneCurrentFrame
The current render frame. No guarantees to limits or wrapping behaviour.
* int worldtimerTimeOfDay
The current time of day as seen from the game world, in milliseconds. This value will pause when the game pauses.
(MerricksDad: this value is the number of ticks since the client was started. The value is equal to 1444000 ticks per day divided by the number of moduleMinutesPerHour. The additional value appears to be a multi-hour error value related to the number in moduleMinutesPerHour, )
* int windPointSourcesCount (max: 128)
A wind point source is a "explosion" source. You can see this with some spells that bend grass around you.
This is the number of wind point sources for the current frame; you need this to walk the following vectors:
* float windPointSourcesPosition[windPointSourcesCount*3]
A vector of X, Y, Z positions for each windPointSource.
* float windPointSourcesRadius[windPointSourcesCount]
The radius for each windPointSource.
* float windPointSourcesIntensity[windPointSourcesCount]
The intensity for each windPointSource.
* float windPointSourcesTimeRemaining[windPointSourcesCount]
The time remaining for each windPointSource.
* int moduleDawnHour
The module dawn hour (usually something like 8).
* int moduleDuskHour
The module dusk hour (usually something like 16).
* int moduleMinutesPerHour
Minutes per hour. You can use this to calculate the dawn/dusk progression.
* vec3 areaGlobalWind
The global wind vector for the current area (including magnitude).
* int areaWeatherType
The weather type: 0 = clear, 1 = rain, 2 = snow.
* float areaWeatherDensity
The weather density as determined by the engine.
* int areaFlags
A mask of area flags: 1 = interior, 2 = underground, 4 = natural
* int moduleYear
(MerricksDad: testing of moduleYear has shown that it does not always get sent to the shader with correct value. Using this value for any purpose can result in counted effects being misrendered.)
* int moduleMonth
* int moduleDay
* int moduleHour
The module time as seen by the player.
(MerricksDad: moduleHour is the integer value of the true module time. Being converted from a float originally, this value will have loss. Testing has shown the offset in module hour to be multiple seconds forward or backward, meaning this value cannot be used as an exact match for the true moduleHour. The lower moduleMinutesPerHour is, the larger the error will appear.)
* float moduleTimeIntoTransition
(MerricksDad: This value counts up from the last transition, such as moduleDuskHour or moduleDawnHour. It has a few issues. The first issue is that it resets to 0 at multiple points: moduleDawnHour, moduleDawnHour+1, moduleDuskHour, and moduleDuskHour+1. It also resets to 0 when the client enters the game, so its initial value is not useful before the first transition it reached.)
* float moduleTransitionTime
This describes the day/dusk/dawn/night transition animations for areas.
* ivec2 userinputMousePosition
Mouse coordinates.
* int userinputMouseButtons
A mask of mouse buttons currently down: 1 = left, 2 = right, 4 = middle.
* int fogEnabled
1 if fog is enabled.
* int fogMode
Fog mode (0 = linear, 1 = exp, 2 = exp2).
* float fogStart, float fogEnd
Fog render distances.
* vec4 fogColor
The current fog colour.
* int numLights
The number of dynamic lights currently in the scene.
* vec4 globalColor
The global/world colour.
* vec4 frontLightModelProductSceneColor
The scene colour (ambient light).
* vec4 materialFrontAmbient
* vec4 materialFrontDiffuse
* vec4 materialFrontSpecular
* vec4 materialFrontEmissive
* float materialFrontShininess
Material source components.
* vec4 lightAmbient
* vec4 lightDiffuse
* vec4 lightSpecular
* vec4 lightPosition
* vec4 lightHalfVector
* float lightConstantAtten
* float lightLinearAtten
* float lightQuadraticAtten
Light source parameters.
* int texUnitXX (where 0 <= XX < 14)
* int texUnitEnv
* int textureXXBound (where 0 <= XX < 14)
Bound textures.
* vec4 texCoordOffset0, vec4 texCoordOffset1
* float texCoordRot0, float texCoordRot1
Bound textures position and rotation.
* mat4 m_m
* mat4 m_mv
* mat4 m_mvp
Model, ModelView and ModelViewProjection matrices for vertex transformations.
* mat3 m_normal
Matrix for vertex normal transformations.
In addition to the uniforms, the following vertex attributes are exposed:
* vec4 vPos
Vertex position in object space. Note: As of 89.8193.37 (which is still in dev test as of the date of this update) vPos was changed to provide vertex position in world space, not object space.
* vec2 vTcIn
Texture coordinates for current texture.
* vec4 vColor
Active colour for the vertex.
* vec3 vNormal
Current vertex untransformed normal.
UPDATE: info posted by Sherincall on the nwvault #custom-content Discord channel on Monday 17 Feb, 2020:
📎 uniforms available to all shaders:
(plus whatever MTR+nwscript pass, for individual objects)