Adding new spells can be great for spellcasters. 3E and 3.5E is pretty much caster heaven, there's a lot of source material.

Design Considerations

Some thoughts on new spells (and on rebalancing some existing spells):

  • Following the NWN spell model we want to:
    • Simplify spell target selection where possible (all, enemies only, allies only, mixed)
    • Generally stick to 3.0E spells but 3.5E is doable with tweaks. Rarely we might update a spell to the 3.5E edition, but not really a huge need.
    • Have no spells need a casting time longer than 1 round. Yes technically there are means and ways but they're all very janky.
    • Concentration based spells should be avoided (Black Blade is already pretty janky and needs a pass at the concentration check).
  • Utility spells that are useful would be good to add, especially short duration ones, but only if they do something. Disguise Self for instance wouldn't really be viable since no module would support recognising it.
  • Adding spells that extend what is available to Domains would be good to target since we could expand the usefulness of underused domains
  • Utilising some of the new effects and script commands in NWN:EE would be good (EffectRunScript, CreateArea, EffectIcon, etc.)

Also note on martial classes - we should think about adding more abilities they can use.

Epic Spells will probably live on another page. They're technically feats anyway.

Spell Sources

Obvious sources are other videogames:

Beyond that there are several 3.0E sourcebooks to look into before looking into 3.5E spells specifically.

Requirements for Spells

Materials needed for a spell primarily is a spell icon (and scroll icon) and of course the spell script(s). VFX and AOE, which may include sounds, may also be required.

New Spells

Putting here for now. Need to put a final manual elsewhere and we can just use that instead.


Spell Name


Class/Spell Level

DescriptionNotesWork Required


Spell Name


Class/Spell Level

DescriptionNotesWork Required
Break Enchantment


Brd 4, Clr 5Breaks some specific things; enchantments, transmutations, curses, petrification.Good healing spell that has some real benefit especially if we add better curses. Only works on spells level 5 or lower (we'll use Innate level for this)


Could use a better VFX

Protection from Arrows


Sor/Wiz 2+DR versus ranged attacksMakes use of the new bVersusRanged parameter in the effects.


(Already has VFX)

Major Resistance

Superior Resistance



(Savage Species)

Bard 2, Cleric 2, Druid 2, Paladin 2, Sorcerer 2, Wizard 2

Bard 5, Cleric 5, Druid 5, Sorcerer 5, Wizard 5

+3 or +6  on saves.

Resistance+. It's quite powerful defensively but spellcasters are also quite powerful!

It also is dead easy.


VFX (have Resistance also included)

Mass Spell Resistance


Cleric 7

Same as Spell Resistance for 1 ally/level in a Large area.

Simple spell to add. Useful too.


VFX for AOE would be good


Spell Name


Class/Spell Level

DescriptionNotesWork Required
Greater Mage Armor


3.5E But Better?


Sor/Wiz 3+6 Armor AC Bonus

Just an upgraded Mage Armor with clear usefuleness

Pathfinder version goes and adds a +2 every 5 levels beyond the 5th up to a maximum of +10 at 15th level. Not sure we want to do that to have it improve, maybe? (The "But better" version of 3.5E scales even better than this!)

Arelith makes it a level 6 spell but does +2 in each of the 4 AC types the original Mage Armor does.

Epic Mage Armor for reference will be a flat +20 bonus compared to this.


VFX: A better version of the current VFX for Mage Armor, perhaps more involved

Mass Cure Light Wounds

Mass Cure Moderate Wounds

Mass Cure Serious Wounds

Mass Cure Critical Wounds





(3.5E PHB)

Brd 5, Clr 5, Drd 6

Brd 6, Clr 6, Drd 7 

Clr 7, Drd 8 

Clr 8, Drd 9

Cure spells but in an AOE (15ft radius, 30ft across)

Mass Cure Light Wounds was previous Healing Circle. We simply rename it.

Mass Heal is part of this line and treated the same (size etc.)


We reuse VFX from the normal cure/heal spells. The AOE VFX is generic. Might be worth a tweak (better AOE VFX and no-sound individual heal VFX)

Regenerate Light Wounds

Regenerate Moderate Wounds

Regenerate Serious Wounds

Regenerate Critical Wounds

Regenerate Massive Wounds





(Massive made up to replace Regenerate)

(3.5E Masters of the Wild: A Guidebook to Barbarians, Druids, and Rangers)

Clr 2, Drd 1

Clr 3, Drd 2

Clr 5, Drd 4

Clr 6, Drd 5

Clr 7, Drd 6

Regenerate 1/2/3/4/5 HP per round.

10 rounds + 1 round/level duration

Casting when an existing regeneration effect is present will extend the new spell if it's of equal or higher power, else it replaces.

Monsterous Regeneration → Regenerate Serious Wounds

Regenerate → Regenerate Massive Wounds

Icon (new range of icons). Reuse the existing icons for the spells Regenerate Ring and Regenerate Circle probably.

VFX could use a few more variations but is only an impact effect. Maybe do a green version of the healing VFX with a new set of sound effects would  be good.

Regenerate Ring

Regenerate Circle



(3.5E Masters of the Wild: A Guidebook to Barbarians, Druids, and Rangers)

Drd 3

Drd 6

REgenerate 1 or 3 HP per round

1 creature per 2 levels

10 rounds + 1 round/level duration

Casting when an existing regeneration effect is present will extend the new spell if it's of equal or higher power, else it replaces.

Not much, we roll it into the current regen scripts.

Icons can reuse Regenerate and Monsterous Regeneration spell icons I think.

AOE impact effect could be a good idea. Currently using a very basic pulse.


Spell Name


Class/Spell Level

DescriptionNotesWork Required
Assay Resistance

3.5E Complete Arcane


Cleric 4, Sorcerer/Wizard 4

+10 bonus to overcome a specific creatures SR.

Implemented with custom Resist Spell checks.


VFX might be good but use the generic one for now.

Power Word, Blind3.0E SRDSor/Wiz 8, War 8Blindness for creatures in an area up to 200HP.

This goes along well with Stun and Kill power word spells.

The blind is permanent against low hit point creatures but the AI should be able to cope, and when the PC rests it gets removed.

Seems to be indiscriminate as Power Word, Kill is.

For now leaving them as Divination. Until perhaps more Divination spells are in play.


VFX from Spellmans.

New sound might be good. For now using Blindness/Deafness one.

Read Magic


Brd 0, Clr 0, Drd 0, Pal 1, Rgr 1, Sor/Wiz 0 Reads scrolls. Nice thematic cantrip.

Mainly because utility spells are limited in the game, and we'll be changing how Identify works so helps scroll users.

Extended like ToEE to be both scrolls and potions. Will need to make these unidentified more though in the blueprints to be worthwhile.

Made into Divination as per 3.5E, and since Divination really needs some love.


Could use a nice VFX. We play the read animation maybe replace that.




Spell Name


Class/Spell Level

DescriptionNotesWork Required



Brd 2, Sor/Wiz 220% miss chance

This is a simple defensive spell.

Sadly we can't have True Seeing penetrate it however, but 20% miss chance isn't the worst when you have True Seeing (see: Improved Invisibility!)


VFX: Have made updated Blur and Displacement VFX to use the transparency progfx but a proper "blurring" shader VFX would be great.

Cone of Dimness

3.5E Spell Compedium

Sor/Wiz 3Blindness vs. Will save, and repeated save but if passed still 20% miss chance

A cone of dimness sounds fun visually! Illusion needs more spells and this is perfect - a simple Blindness effect and EffectRunScript that will remove the Blindness and add a 20% miss chance effect instead.

Note the range is 60ft cone, which is quite long but is around 10M so we'll use that.


VFX for the cone, for now done a recoloured Color Spray with Purple. Can't seem to get grey oh well.

Sound for the cone, am reusing the Color Spray one but may need a new one (or downpitch the color spray one).

Solipsism3.5E Spell Compendium and NWN2

Sorcerer/Wizard 7

Will Save else helpless for 1 round/level (is a Mind Affecting saving throw but no specific effect type).

With a new VFX and sounds this would be a reasonably good equivalent to "Power Word: Stun", "Finger of Death" and "Bigby's Grasping Hand" as other "save or die/stun" spells but for Illusion.

NWN2 uses EffectCutsceneParalyze so we'll do the same (although maybe it should be cleared by Clarity?).

Icon for spell

Icon for the effect would be nice (ie a red version of the spell icon)

VFX is a basic yellow and white glow. Similar to Paralysis which it basically is. Could use a new impact VFX and special sound.

Unnerving Gaze

Book of Vile Darkness

Sorcerer / Wizard 0Will save else -1 on attack rolls for 1 round/level

A suitable level 0 illusion spell for Wizards!

Yes similar to Flare (except Flare is 1 minute duration, but it is "Dazzled" which shouldn't stack) but will saves are lower on fighters etc. compared to flares fortitude save.


VFX would be good to use although for now using generic stuff.


Spell Name


Class/Spell Level

DescriptionNotesWork Required

Mass Inflict Light Wounds

Mass Inflict Moderate Wounds

Mass Inflict Serious Wounds

Mass Inflict Critical Wounds

3.5E PHB





Cleric 5/6/7/81/2/3/4d8 + 1 - 25/30/35/40 negative damage to One creature/level, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart 

We don't have a touch attack for these, and was Fortitude save for Circle of Death now is a Will save to match the Cure versions.

New icons, VFX as per Inflict range


Spell Name


Class/Spell Level

DescriptionNotesWork Required

Baleful Polymorph


Drd 5, Sor/Wiz 5Polymorph the target into a chicken

This is a fun disabling spell. We'll simplify it significantly and make the duration shorter.

It won't work against certain creature types (Shapechangers). Arelith balanced this more by having it only affect medium or smaller humanoids as well which may make sense (no changing dragons etc.).

The "Polymorph Other" spell could be another spell that essentially allows you to buff allies instead of attack enemies.


VFX: Could use an anti-polymorph VFX and sound effect to match (maybe reverse the sound polymorph uses)



Same as UltraivsionDarkvision feat.

Easy to do we also add +5 spot to give it a use.

Icon (base off Darkvision feat)




Sor/Wiz 7Magical damage and chance to turn them to dust

We should add the 3.5E version which is more solid - damage and if they're killed by it, we get the cool effect. Else it's "just" another save-or-die spell.


Bioware included a Disintegrate ray in the games default files

We have a VFX from spellmans for the dust


3.5E Spell Compendium

Sor/Wiz 2The heroics spell temporarily grants the subject a feat from the fighter's bonus feat list. For the duration of the heroics spell, the subject can use the feat as if it were one of those the creature had selected. All prerequisites for the feat must be met by the target of this spell.

This is very usable with EffectBonusFeat! Notably we just need to have the subspells choice setup sensibly, based on the fighter bonus feat list based on a "priority list". Tries to do the highest ones and works down the list until one can be applied:

  • Appropriate Feat (Feat from the below selection based on equipped items)
  • Melee Active Feat (Improved Knockdown, Improved Disarm, Whirlwind Attack, Knockdown, Sap, Disarm, Called Shot)
  • Melee Mode Feat (Greater Cleave, Cleave, Improved Power Attack, Power Attack)
  • Unarmed Feat (Stunning Fist, Deflect Arrows, Improved Unarmed Attack)
  • Ranged Feat (Rapid Shot, Called Shot, Point Blank Shot)
  • Weapon Feat (Weapon Specialization, Weapon Focus, Weapon Finesse (if applicable))
  • Defensive Feat (Improved Expertise, Expertise, Spring Attack, Mobility, Dodge, Improved Parry, Deflect Arrows (if unarmed), Blind Fight)
  • Two-Weapon Fighting Feat (Improved two-weapon fighting, Ambidexterity, Two-Weapon Fighting)

Will need to make a function to check a feat can be taken, which will be not fun to write!

Icons - but maybe can used altered feat ones.


Iron Body3.0E SRDWiz/Sor 8Apply a ton of defensive bonuses but with some penalties like moving a lot slower.Just a great defensive spell. Can do a nice Iron Body metal skin like Stoneskin and apply arcane spell failure fine.Icon, VFX for skin
Lower Spell Resistance


Clr 4, Sor/Wiz 4

This spell reduces the subject's spell resistance by 1 per caster level (maximum reduction 15).

This reduction can't lower a target's spell resistance below 0.

The target of the spell takes a penalty on its saving throw equal to your caster level.

A much more solid way to lower SR, but requires a (hard to make) save.


VFX maybe recolour breach, new SFX?

Shocking Grasp3.0E SRDSor/Wiz 11d8 + caster level electrical damage on melee touch attack.

Simple and effective level 1 spell. Easy to implement.


Doesn't really need anything else, can use existing VFX. A new VFX might be nice though.

Spells Affecting Items

The NWN spells that affected items were rather limited; Overhaul will auto-remove existing ones so stacking is "harder" and dispel magic affects them properly, so this opens the door to have more spells use item properties.

Some item properties that might be fun to add:

  • ItemPropertyExtraMeleeDamageType and ItemPropertyExtraRangedDamageType
  • ItemPropertyMaxRangeStrengthMod ie Mighty
  • ItemPropertyUnlimitedAmmo
  • ItemPropertyWeightReduction

Potential New Spells

A rough list which is in no particular order.

Spell Name


Class/Spell Level

EffectsNotesWork Required (Beyond an icon and basic script work)

Spell Matrix

Spell Sequencer

Spell Trigger


Chain Contingency

All in Guide to Fearun (as "Simbul's..."):

3.0 Spell Matrix

3.0 Spell Sequencer

3.0 Spell Trigger

3.5 Contingency (PHB)

3.5 Chain Contingency (Tomb and Blood)

Sor/Wiz 5

Sor/Wiz 7

Sor/Wiz 9

Allows a pre-cast spell or set of spells to be released instantly or sometimes with a triggering condition.Mages get some more prepared defensive or offensive power and I like BG2 mages, and this cuts down on some of the time taken to do things.

NUI selection menu to set it up properly (and for Spell Trigger to have a triggering action). Can just decrement the spells instead of having them cast, as long as not in combat.

Then a NUI panel to cast one or all the spells from it with player target selectors and either a proper spell cast (cheat-cast) added or it just does it in a script.

Choosing how best to do these 3.0E or 3.5E ones will depend on how it feels in NWN in general.

Spell Immunity3.0E SRDClr 4Cleric spell to provide immunity to very specific enemy spells, level 4 or lower, and 1 per 4 caster levelsClerics get a buff versus mages again. But it's easily implementable.Probably a NUI selection menu (searchable spell list) and a way to save presets in subdial spells.
Shield Other3.0E SRDClr 2, Pal 2Target gets +1 defelection AC and +1 to saves, and caster takes 50% of the damage they takeWould be fun to have OnDamaged used and do something semi useful

Can't account for being damaged to death, so need to note that.

Would apply EffectHeal and EffectDamage on the various people involved. Easy enough except if the damage is high enough to kill a person outright.

Summon Natures Ally I - XI3.0E SRDDrd 1-9, Rgr 1-9Summoning creatures for Druids

This allows spontaneous casting of Summoning spells for Druids.

If added will need to have the base healing spells duplicated for Druids so they are not spontaneously castable by them. Bit of a faff annoyingly. This is unless the engine has support to limit what spells are spontaneously castable per class.

LionheartNWN2Paladin: 1, Other: Cleric w/ Law domain 1 Immunity to Fear for 1 round/level.

Paladin spell addition, also used for Law domain in NWN2

VFX would be good.

Calm Emotions




Bard 2, Cleric 2

"Creatures so affected cannot take violent actions" and suppresses Bless, Rage etc. and the effect is lost on damage/being attacked.

Potential things:

  • Daze - easy to do
  • EffectPacify - stops attack actions. Still allows spells. This might make it a wee bit more balanced (also means you can run around)

Remove OnDamaged and OnPhysicalAttacked the spells effects.

Suppress spells with EffectRunScript to bring them back.

VFX and icon for "Calmed" (pacified?)
Maze3.0E SRDSor/Wiz 8 Sent straight to a Maze for time depending on their intelligence score.

This is simple, and fun to do with CreateArea.

Possibly easier to just do with plot flag + cutscene ghost + cutscene immobilise + cutscene invisibility.

It needs some balancing possibly, since it is very powerful, and can potentially break things so needs some structure around it (eg; what if a PC disconnects during being in a Maze, or their spells kill the enemies when they are in a Maze and the game attempts a cutscene...!)

TBH the game logic breaking things make me wary about this spell.

Summon Giants3.5E FrostburnCleric 8Summons some giant(s). If we have multiple summons enabled multiple Stone (not got a blueprint for) or Hill giants are doable, else best to keep it just as Fire and Frost giants instead.Simple enough summoning spell. Bit of variety compared to just having elemental creatures at level 8/9.



Shillelagh3.0E SRDDrd 1Quatertstaff or club becomes a +1 weapon and deals extra damage.

Druids need some help, this can be pretty helpful early on.

Damage rolls become +1d10 but may be easier to make it do the "same again" damage.

Invisibility to Animals3.0E SRDDrd 1Invisibility to allies but only against animals. If anyone affected by it attacks, all other instances of the invisibility are also lost

Interesting spell and the engine supports vs. racial types for Invisibility.

Can do EffectRunScript for the removal part.

Snare3.0E SRDRgr 2, Drd 3

Essentially creates a snare trap. The best way to do this probably is to generate an actual trap object, which essentially has a save DC else entangled.

Since it only snares one creature not too bad balance wise. Could also make it not usable in combat. Or make it usable. Dunno.

Need to test creation of traps via. scripts out.

Divination Spells

Because Divination is so limited on spells lets find some more to fill it out

Wild Instincts3.5E Races of EberronDruid 2, Ranger 3

Bonus Feat: Uncanny Dodge I to retain dexterity bonuses to AC if flanked.

+10 Spot and Listen.

Divination spell, ranger and druid only makes for something a bit more unique.

Warning is a similar Shaman spell.

Not much scripting work, just VFX and icon.

Visions of the Future3.5E Players Handbook 2Cleric 8

+2 saving throw and dodge AC.

Then can trigger 6 seconds of +save/dodge AC based on 1/2 caster level (Max 25 - although we could limit to the save bonus limit perhaps) then the spell ends.

This is meant to have 10 minutes casting time, but meh.

Great spell to utilise NUI interface to apply the bonus 6 seconds and end effect. Can trigger just as the enemy casts a big spell.

Could do with 2 icons (activation icon as well as the spell itself)

New VFX would be good since it's a level 8 spell.

Mass True Seeing3.5E Races of EberronTruth 9As True Seeing but mass version. Maybe also open it up to Wizards or Clerics in general?

This is "Truth" domain only but could make it same classes that learn True Seeing as a basically "easier" version of the original spell.

Can reuse VFX so just an icon.

Unluck3.5E Spell CompendiumBard 4, Sorcerer/Wizard 4

For NWN this would be most easily done as: "Whenever the affected creature makes a saving throw versus a spell or ability which succeeds, they retake it and may fail the second attempt made."

A relatively simple effect as long as saves (at least from scripts) are sorted.

Note this might be much more powerful than intended for when it is save-or-die and only a 1 can fail.

New VFX and effect icon would be a good idea.

Targeting Ray3.5E Spell CompendiumBard 1, Sorcerer/Wizard 1

Target hit with a ranged touch attack are affected by a "targeting ray" that allows ranged attacks to hit them more easily.

For NWN likely cap the effect (eg to max of +5?), it's +1 to hit for every 3 levels. We can't just affect ranged attacks either (but could decrease AC vs Piercing only?)

We also should make it be more sensible and if the caster cannot see the target (LOS + GetObjectSeen check) then the ray dissipates.

Arcane Archers would love this. It's also a fun, reasonably useful level 1 Divination spell.

Note currently can't have an AC effect change versus "just ranged attacks" so might need to add this (or an enemy attack bonus).

New VFX for the ray.

True Casting3.5E Complete MageSorcerer/Wizard 1

"Your next single spell (if it is cast before the end of the next round) gains a +10 insight bonus on any caster level check made to overcome spell resistance."

Has some use against higher SR opponents and an opportunity cost (ie cast this to gain advantage next spell cast only).

Could make it variable (+1/caster level) but it is only a level 1 spell.

New VFX would be nice.

Status3.5E PHBCleric 2

"You gain more insight into your allies status in battle. You immediately are informed if allies come under negative effects and optionally if they are  wounded or killed, in a new status menu for your party."

Could bump it down to level 1 or even 0. NWN basically has Status for hit points and location already baked in to the game. But still makes sense to include if Greater Status is added.

VFX, NUI work.

Greater Status3.5E Book of Exalted DeedsCleric 4 (Community 4)

"You gain a new spellcasting bar that can toggle spells of level 0, 1 or 2 with range of touch with a beneficial effect to target them instead of yourself when cast on you."

In addition to Status benefits.

Clerics gain the abilities to heal and buff at incredible range.

Since limited to level 2 spells isn't OP. But might be useful if parties split up.

Can make use of NUI and possibly OnPlayerTarget (can target the creatures in the party bar).

VFX, NUI work, extensive spell script function changes.

Master's Touch3.5E Players Handbook 2Bard 2, Cleric 2, Sorcerer/Wizard 2

NWN would be a short duration +4 bonus to skills.

Skills would be a limited subset, so not including craft skills.

Could apply the bonus for 6 or 9 seconds perhaps to allow for a single main action to be completed by the target.

Small buff to skills for a particularly short length of time is nice.

There is also a level 1 version identically named which simply provides weapon or armor proficiency to the caster. This could be a nice thing to have perhaps, allowing some limited proficiency feats to be granted temporarily, but not sure. New name at least would be needed.

Power Sight3.0E Masters of the WildDruid 1

"You learn the amount of hit dice a given target has."

Yes we get the examine rough CR description, but this gamifies something that's easily accessible.

Listening Lorecall3.5E Complete AdventurerDruid 2, Ranger 2, Sorcerer/Wizard 2

+4 bonus to Listen skill.

Gain blindsight depending on listen ranks (let's say 5 feet if X rank, 10 feet if Y, 60 feet if Z).

Bonus lost if silenced.

Can use EffectBonusFeat for blindsight and remove it under silence.

Blindsense isn't in the game. It's basically blindsight ("can detect in X feet") but without the change to concealment.

At least this functionally is somewhat interesting for a detection spell.

Linked Perception3.5E Players Handbook 2Ranger 1, Druid 2

+2 bonus to listen and spot based on the number of allies in the area.

Might be a mobile AOE? Hmm. Maybe not necessary.

Still low level and helps spotting things.

Know Vulnerabilities3.0E Magic of Fearun

3.0E: Bard 4, Cleric 4

3.5E: Bard 3, Cleric 3, Sorcerer/Wizard 4

Lists the resistances and vulnerabilities of the target.

While NWN does include the examine cheat-screen this can be disabled. It also isn't particularly informative as to the details. This spell can be negated by SR/Will too. I think it's very thematic for Divination and works well in NWN.

How the feedback is given could be a nice little NUI popup and some text in the chat (which is difficult to see in combat!).

This spell would simply outline all the effects, item properties or spells, that related to damage resistance, reduction, immunity, spell resistance and so forth.

Probably take the levels the spell is granted from the 3.5E version.

Know Protections3.0E Magic of Fearun

Bard 1, Sorcerer/Wizard 1

Lists the natural protections the target has.

This should be fine as a level 1 spell a kind of mini version of Know Vulnerabilities. It will just affect the targeted creature hide properties and not report as many effects.

Hunters Eye3.5E Players Handbook 2

Ranger 2

Adds Sneak Attack for 1 round (1d6 per 3 caster levels).

This isn't great for a Ranger 2 spells slot since it needs casting - in combat - to achieve. The bonus is nice though.

Will have to experiment to see if cast times of 0 and conjuration times of 0 can work?

If not then could NUI the effects in, instantly. This then can be the accurate 6 seconds and be called in essentially any time, although obviously avoids counerspells then.

Critical Strike3.5E Spell Compendium

Assassin 1, Bard 1, Sorcerer 1, Wizard 1

Basically NWN could add the correct Sneak Attack bonus feat to grant +1d6 damage for 6 seconds.

As Hunters Eye really. But more limited (not 1d6 per 3 levels). Swift actions again are difficult to do maybe NUI panel is best (and ignore the counterspell stuff).

Healing Lorecall3.5E Complete Adventurer

Ranger 1, Cleric 2, Druid 2

With 5 ranks in heal your conjuration (Healing) spells remove a single dazed, dazzled or fatigued effects (in that order).

With 10 ranks in heal this list is expanded to be dazed, exhausted, nauseated, sickened, dazzled or fatigued.

Finally your ranks in Heal if higher than your caster level can will be used. The normal caster level limit for individual spells still applies; thus, a 3rd-level cleric with 6 ranks in Heal when under the effect of Healing Lorecall cures 1d8+5 points of damage with a Cure Light Wounds spell.

This is quite thematically fun and adds a lot of healing potential especially for some new effects we'll be adding to spells.

The version chosen is the 1 minute/level version.

Fiendish Clarity3.0E Book of Vile Darkness

Cleric 7, Sorcerer/Wizard 7

Combines the effects of bonus feat: Darkvision, Ultravision spell (see in spell: Darkness) and See Invisibility.

Question is: is this even worthwhile with True Seeing being the same or lower level? Probably not.

Either reword the spell level or the effects perhaps.

Chain of Eyes3.0E Defenders of Faith

Assassin 1, Bard 1, Sorcerer 1, Wizard 1

You can change your view to that of another creature targeted.

Could make it a longer ranged spell and use it to see more info in the area (ie jumping around enemies). However the perception range is probably still a that might make things more difficult. Needs thorough testing.

Arrow Mind3.5E Complete Adventurer

Ranger 1, Sorcerer/Wizard 1

Can't do really yet but if it was possible making it so bows can do AOO's and also don't generate them in melee would be neat.

For now could add Point Blank Shot but it's a bit redundant since most ranged builds would get it anyway (if only for the +1 to hit).

Listing this for potential later use.

Blessed Aim3.0E Defenders of the Faith

Paladin 2, Cleric 3

+2 to ranged attacks for allies. If the ranged weapon is unequipped the bonuses are lost.

This is actually doable since we can track what weapons are in use either with EffectRunScript or with the OnEquip module event.

It'd be easier to use a item property but that bypasses DR.

Arcane Sensitivity3.5E Shining South

Sorcerer / Wizard 1

"With a touch, you instantly determine if a creature can cast arcane spells and the maximum spell level it can cast."

Basically not a hostile spell.

Very metagaming since you can cast it, reload a save, and know the information anyway.

Not sure though but an interesting concept.

Arcane Sight3.0E Tome and Blood

Sorcerer/Wizard 3


  • NUI panel to inspect targets on demand during the duration (Best option)


  • Targeted - One creature only, you get info off them


  • AOE - all creatures in area report info

The info on spells might be very juicy (ie what is their highest spell(s) and spell slot info) and is a better version of Arcane Sensitivity.

Continual usage via. a NUI panel would be cooler and more useful.

Standard action? Could cheat-cast a spell marked as not concentration and not standard spell. This keeps them in combat and uses a normal action.

Appraising Touch3.5E Spell Compendium

Bard 1, Sorcerer/Wizard 1

Basically +10 appraise skill.

Would need actual usage of the appraise skill outside of stores, ie a way to use the skill to assess item values with a roll or something. Would help some loot management perhaps. Maybe.

Illusion Spells


Bard 2, Sor/Wiz 2

Adds a On Hit: Daze effect to a weapon.

Simple and effective, and uses existing systems.

Mirror Image3.0E PHB

Bard 2, Sor/Wiz 2

Mirror image creates 1d4 images plus one image per three caster levels (maximum eight images), which are randomly chosen to be attacked at with AC 10 + size modifier + Dexterity modifier. If successfully attacked it's removed but doesn't affect the caster.

If the attacker is blinded/can't see the person with Mirror Image they bypass the mirror images but obviously get miss chance instead.

This would need an engine effect to achieve. It would also be interesting if touch attacks should affect it - probably not though.

The effect should be checked in the damage absorption stage perhaps, check for the effects if found we randomly determine if the creature is hit (ignoring all of them) or one of them is hit (removing it). So you need to apply it more than once.

It's a classic spell though and if a suitable VFX (shader) can be done to replicate the MDL then it'd be great to see implemented.

VFX Shader for "Multiple images of a creature"

Glitterdust3.0E PHB

Brd 2, Sor/Wiz 2 

10 ft spread become visible. This should apply a hefty skill penalty to hide and move silently, and remove invisibility (with a run script that, at the end of the duration, will apply invisibility again).

Since all cases of EffectInvisibility are applied via. scripts we can intercept those applications and add another EffectRunScript to replicate the reapplication after the glitterdust has gone.

Is it overpowered? Maybe but it needs a tiny target to be sought.

New VFX would certainly be needed (can we do an "outline in dust"?)

Glass DopplegangerNWN2 (original spell)

Sorcerer/Wizard 5

Clone of a HD 15 or less creature created with less stats, some resistances, and no spells so can only attack.

Does it keep items? Hmm not sure. Held ones might be fine at least.

Doable cleanly now with Json edits and EffectSummon changes.

I don't know if I like the fact a Glass Doppleganger is an Illusion spell but it "sort of" fits in illusion being about mirrors, reflecting reality, not quite real and "Ghostly Doppleganger" would be a cop out since we have Shadow Simulacrum.

Making the glass effect as a permanent VFX skin would be easiest.


Skin VFX for "glass"

Phantasmal Strangler3.5E Complete Mage

Sorcerer/Wizard 3

2d6 damage per turn on a failed save and grappling.

Possibly just Daze each turn of a failed save, since 5 rounds duration = 10d6 damage maximum.

Fun little 5 round spell.

Grapple is tough. Daze is probably the closest in a sense you can at least do something while dazed (movement). The engine would need some suitable effect to have a grapple-like effect limiting actions.

Alternatively we could just apply a hefty movement speed decrease - or limit to walking - meaning it's a good spell to catch up to people or stop them advancing if they fail the save. More unique that way.

Per-creature VFX isn't doable but could just have a VFX apply as the illusion appears to others when the effects are applied or something.

Could bump the level up

Phantasmal Assailants3.5E Spell Compendium or Complete Arcane

Sorcerer/Wizard 2

Will save to negate, then Fortitude save to do 8 Wisdom and 8 Dexterity damage. It's "instantaneous" damage but we'd have to make it permanent (and undispellable, unyielding maybe).

This might be good to use something akin to Magic Missile, having several illusionary forms akin to the Phantasmal Killer be shot at the target and bam, crippled cleric and some lowered AC.

I think this being level 2 is fine since it has 2 saves behind it.

Scintillating Pattern3.5E PHB

Sorcerer/Wizard 8

Probably just make this a non-concentration spell, that does the given effects. Based on HD like Color Spray and Prismatic Spray it's a 20ft Radius Spread.

Could have the spell cause an AOE to appear to just have it look cool for the duration while people are still affected. Would only be 12 rounds maximum (1d4+1d4+1d4).

Pretty colours! also a relatively useful higher level illusion spell.

Shadow Binding3.5E Complete Arcane

Sorcerer/Wizard 3

10ft radius sphere. Will save to negate, if not then Dazed for 1 round then Entangled until break free with a DC20 Strength or Escape Artist check.

Can do Strength or Dexterity check perhaps instead.

Doable cleanly now with Json edits and EffectSummon changes.

Shadow SimulacrumNWN2 (original spell)

Sorcerer/Wizard 9

Shadow Simulacrum reaches into the Plane of Shadow and creates a shadow duplicate of the creature touched by the caster. This shadow creature retains all the abilities of the original, but is created with only 3/4th the current hit points of the original and all memorized spells are lost. The simulacrum has 20% concealment and immunity to negative energy damage. Creatures with more than double the caster's level in hit dice are immune to this spell. 

Doable now with various engine additions and a good solid Illusion spell.

Shadow Spray3.5E Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting

Sorcerer/Wizard 2

5ft radius burst. Fortitude to negate.

Creatures in the area take 2 points of temporary Strength damage, are dazed for 1 round, and suffer a -2 morale penalty on saving throws against fear spells and effects.

Just a basic spell, the strength damage is permanent so should be supernatural/permanent/unyielding. The rest is easy to do.

Towering OakMagic of Fearun

Ranger 1

+10 to Intimidate Skill

Some limited uses and gives the ranger another niche.

Unseen StrikeComplete Mage

Assassin 4, Hexblade 4

On your next successful attack you go instantly invisible.

Quite thematic and gives Assassin something relatively useful at level 4.

This could be applied to a equipped weapon as a On Hit: Cast Spell effect, that when fired will add invisibility, then stop further invisibility applications while it processes the removal of the item property (ie it only occurs once).

Of course in combat it'll mainly mean the next attacks they make should (would?) be from being invisible.

Vision of EntropyFiendish Codex I

Bard 2, Sor/Wiz 2

Will save vs. Fear to get a gradually increasing amount of problems up to full fear then "unconscious"

Main issue is having the "unconscious" part last a full hour. Maybe make it last just 10 rounds or something and make it a sleep effect most likely - but if hit when sleeping they should wake up maybe?

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