Some changes for Hordes.


Some bugs:

  • Final conversation with Mephistopheles needs some fixes
  • Make sure cutscenes work as intended with the tile VFX (could just use one big tile perhaps with using shader based approaches to lava/ice)

Full Multiplayer Support

The modules are partially coded for multiplayer. Earlier stuff more than later. Things like cutscenes kinda work, with player 1 being the main one.

What's missing is several times the party as a whole is not teleported/transported to the next location, plus some other scripting that doesn't take into account other players.

This mod apparently fixes it, need to diff this:

More Companions

Would be like other campaigns expanding the number of companions. It already supports 2 so most of the coding is there for more. Difficulty would dive off a cliff however.

Current companions are below. Their packages are actually complete and could be made available for PCs - even with translated TLK lines otherwise unseen.

CompanionAvailable Chapters As CompanionClassesPackage(s)Notes
Deekin Scalesinger1, 2, 3Bard / Dragon Disciple71 / 117 ("Healer, Bard")Package name does imply Deekin used to not have a second class (ie Dragon Disciple).
Sharwyn1Bard / Fighter106 / 114 ("Sworddancer, Bard")

The package title "Sworddancer (sic)" may suggest it's a 3.0E prestige class called "Sword Dancer", but since it's one word really like "Healer, Bard" it's just a nice description since the prestige class needs divine casting anyway.

Linu La'neral1Cleric104 ("Cleric, Support")No second class but they dummied out Fighter as an option.
Daelan Red Tiger1Barbarian105 ("Barbarian, Balanced")No second class but they were thinking of using Druid, which is interesting at least. Kinda rubbish though since he'd get barely any spells in Chapter 1.
Tomi Grin Undergallows1Rogue / Shadowdancer

103 / 117 ("Rogue, Shadowdancer (dual-wielding kukri)")

Valen Shadowbreath2, 3Fighter / Weapon Master102 / 113 ("Fighter, Weapon Master (Heavy Flail)")
Nathyrraa2, 3Wizard / Rogue (1) / Assassin

101 / 115 ("Wizard, Assassin")

8 (default Rogue package) is used for the single rogue level.

Special code does the one level of rogue that allows Assassin from then on.
Aribeth3Paladin / Blackguard

Paladin - 129 ("Aribeth, Paladin")

Blackguard - 130 ("Aribeth, Blackguard")

Interestingly the description of the packages is reused from line 107 ("Paladin, Falling") an unused which probably was Aribeths original package ("This paladin package represents a paladin who is tempted by the forces of evil, slowly being corrupted to become a blackguard."). It implies she'd be tempted to become evil over time - but her changes are a little more abrupt in the campaign.

The lines are actually identical in content to line 107 so 3 lines have the same stuff in them but just different class IDs.

Cut Content

See subpage.

Quality of Life

Having the Djinn's old store items (you sold) carry through modules might be good (then add the new stuff on top).

Having module specific toggle to shut up Enserric would be a good idea (perhaps tune down the amount it triggers significantly as well with a timer).

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