You can find more information on the Spells and Abilities page which will outline how to use this 2da file.
Hardcoded Spells.2da lines
NWN:EE has unhardcoded "class spell columns" but the Innate column is used consistently as a fallback if none exist and for the Talent system by the game so make sure it is filled in.
Line 506, "HealingKit", is used to fire the OnSpellCastAt event when using SKILL_HEAL on a target. Don't reuse this line.
Spells.2da Columns
The spells.2da file has all the non-script information for setting up a spell, casting animations and so forth.
There are a handful of unused columns and almost all of them are not needed for a functional "spell".
Columns shaded in RED on the table below will be implemented in Patch 35.
Note: This is one of the only 2da files you can add additional valid columns - specifically columns that are like "Bard, "Cleric" which list the spell level of the entry for spell books, referenced in classes.2da in NWN:EE.
Column Name | Type | Example Contents | Valid Options | Notes and Usage |
Label | Text | Acid_Fog | N/A | Not used by the game as such, a human-readable name |
Name | TLK entry | 750 | TLK entry | Can be an entry in dialog.TLK or a custom TLK, shows up in game as the spell title, and in feedback messages such as when casting unless overridden by AltMessage column. Feats being "cast" should use feat.2da names instead. |
IconResRef | Icon texture resref | is_AcidFog | Icon name, minus the .tga extension | |
School | Text | C | A, C, D, E V, I, N, T (technically spellschool.2da values, but really just hardcoded) | G is unused would need testing. Even monster abilities have this set (usually just to Evocation, V) To test: Having additional spell schools or this as invalid (most likely "Bad Things(TM)" will happen) |
Range | Text | L | P - Personal - 0M (but seems to default to 2.25 if it is targeting another object, eg; a scroll on the ground to enchant) T - Touch - 2.25M S - 8M M - 20M L - 40M | The values are hardcoded, although the ranges.2da entries (ie the range values themelves) are not. Tested further values (like "A") and it defaults to 0.0 range since it's undefined. Note that the ranges are not centre point to centre point, but "creature edge to creature edge" based on PERSPACE (or CPERSPACE) in appearance.2da. |
VS | Text | VS | V - Verbal S - Somatic VS - Verbal and Somatic **** - Neither | Verbal or Somatic components needed. Verbal needs the caster to be able to speak (Eg; not silenced, deafened imposes 20% failure check). Somatic requires them to be able to use their arms (eg; not being Paralyzed) and is affected by armour failure chance. |
MetaMagic | Bitwise Hex Integer | 0x38 | None = 0x00 Empower (1) = 0x01 Extend (2) = 0x02 Maximize (4) = 0x04 Quicken (8) = 0x08 Silent (16) = 0x10 Still (32) = 0x20 (see also Notes and Usage) | Some of this happens entirely in engine (Still Spell, Silent Spell and Quicken Spell). The remaining (Empower Spell, Maximize Spell, Extend Spell) are captured in the spell script To calculate the cost of multiple allowed Meta Magic feats, add the decimal values together. For example:
Additional metamagic cannot be added to metamagic.2da, it's all hardcoded. A community-made hex calculator utility is available for download from the Vault. |
TargetType | Bitwise Hex Integer | 0x09 | self (1) = 0x01 creature (2) = 0x02 area (4) = 0x04 items (8) = 0x08 door (16) = 0x10 placeable (32) = 0x20 trigger (64) = 0x40 (see also Notes and Usage) | This primarily affects players - monsters seem to be able to ignore it, causing some "interesting" issues. Some standard spells also are problematically miscoded, eg; having a Self Only target type, but a range higher than Personal. To target more than one type, add the decimal values together. If the spell has a master spell, or if the spell is the master of other spells, only the value on the master spell will be taken and used, and all sub-spells will use that value, regardless of their own value. Note: ALL spells should include the decimal value for Items (8) - 0x08 - in their calculated value or else Item Crafting will not work (ie they cannot be cast on scrolls). A community-made hex calculator utility is available for download from the Vault. |
ImpactScript | Script resref | nw_s0_light | Script name minus the .nss extension that fires on the impact. Will only fire when successfully cast - ie; not interrupted by a concentration failure. Note, Bioware naming convention reserves S0 for spell scripts, S2 for feat abilities, and S3 for creature abilities. | |
Bard Cleric Druid Paladin Range Wiz_Sorc Innate | Integer | 6 **** denotes the spell is unusable by that class. | 0 through 10. 10 is used only for Epic Spells, there are no level 10 spell slots in the game. | The only one that is required is Innate. The defaults are 0 (cantrips) through 10 (Epic spells). However the 10 value won't show up in usual spell books so would only affect item-cast, cheat-cast or feat-cast things. 10 is likely the usual maximum for the game anyway, due to how "talents" work (CR for talent functions is double spell level). You should always at least put an innate spell level even if it is a feat-spell. Blanking it out is not recommended, it can highly mess up a variety of in-engine things otherwise (and yes Bioware forgot it on some abilities making them bug out in certain circumstances, mainly related to Dispel Magic, GetSpellSaveDC and Spell Resistance). You can add more columns (anywhere in the 2da, but usually at the end) to add more spellbooks. For instance you could create one headed "Assassin" and have Assassin spells, with the relevant changes in classes.2da allowing that spellbook to be used. Note: The spell lines for Dispel Magic spells are hardcoded into the engine assuming certain spell levels (the "Innate" column) for such things like Counterspelling. |
ConjTime | Integer (miliseconds) | 1500 | Usually 1500 or 900 for normal spells Mostly 0 or 1 or 500 for abilities although Dragons Breath uses 2000 | The amount of time spent "Conjuring" the spell in milliseconds, applying the "Conj" animations, sounds, and VFX. Once this number is passed the CastTime and Proj fires if appropriate. For spells this is the duration that can cause concentration checks. The default is 1500 but 900 is used for spells like Phantasmal Killer which has a slow "projectile". Monster abilities vary (and don't matter as much - no concentration!) eg; gazes, bolts are 500, auras are 1, cones are 100 or 500. Dragon breath is 2000. Using values above 2000 may cause issues from past experience. Going over 6 seconds total, 6000, certainly can cause issues since it overlaps the next round. Haste and Quicken affect this number in different ways:
Both have a special 3000 round timer set thus this helps the animations to keep within the 3000 timer. |
ConjAnim | Set values | hand | hand head See: Animations | Hands usually are spinning hands around, head means spinning hands over the head. This is where the "Hand" visual will be attached as well. If ConjTime is blank or 0 this effectively shouldn't be used. If an item is used the "ConjAnim" is effectively replaced as per Animations for each item type, such as reading a scroll animation for a scroll item. Annoyingly there is no way to set any custom animations using this column. |
ConjHeadVisual | Model resref | vco_mehedelec01 | Head based conjuring visual effect (attached to the head node). Resref of visual effect model. "vco" = "visual conjure" | |
ConjHandVisual | Model resref | vco_smhanfire01 | Hand based conjuring visual effect (attached to the hand node). Resref of visual effect model. "ConjAnim" alters where hands are by default. | |
ConjGrndVisual | Model resref | vco_lgrinevil01 | Ground based conjuring visual effect (at the casters feet). Resref of visual effect model. Higher level spells tend to have this to differentiate them from lower level versions. | |
ConjSoundVFX | Sound resref | sco_mehannatr01 | Sound used when conjuring. This is useful to always have because non-PC races don't get casting chants (next two lines). | |
ConjSoundMale | Sound resref | vs_chant_ench_lm | Sound used if the caster is Male (or rather not-Female) and a base race. Bioware included variants for "high" and "low" magic, of each spell school. vs_chant_XXXX_YZ - XXXX = 4 letters of school, Y = "l" (low) or "h" (high) and Z = "m" (male) or "f" (female) If not a player race - values 0 - 6 in racialtypes.2da - it seems to ignore playing this entirely. | |
ConjSoundFemale | Sound resref | vs_chant_ench_lf | Sound used if the caster is Female and a base race. As above variants are included for high/low magic and each school. If not a player race - values 0 - 6 in racialtypes.2da - it seems to ignore playing this entirely. | |
CastAnim | Set values | area | See also for pictures/info: Animations area - Hands are placed up and apart. EG: Acid Fog. attack - Attack animation is used. Used for Arcane Archer feat-spells. out - Hands are placed together and forwards, for cones. EG: Burning Hands self - Hands together, touching chest. EG: Ghostly Visage. touch - One hand is placed out and one to the side. EG: Aid. Also "point" is valid for this. up - Hands are placed up and together. EG: Call Lightning creature - A special animation used only for Mind Flayers - "Suck Brain" - so probably unavailable for other creatures. | Animation to use for the casting (once conjuration animation is complete). Most are obvious, and fit for instance "out" being a cone spell (Holding hands where the cone will appear). If the creature casting the spell has limited animations this may not be fully adhered to. Annoyingly there is no way to set any custom animations using this column. |
CastTime | Integer (milliseconds) | 1000 | Usually 1000, but 1700 for cones | Milliseconds holding the CastAnim pose. Most are 1000 (1 second). Cones benefit from more "hold out hands" time to match the spell visuals, although 1700 pushes these spells over a 3 second cast time which is odd. |
CastHeadVisual | Model resref | vca_dragbreath | Head based casting visual effect (attached to the head node). Resref of visual effect model. Occurs in the direction of casting. Example: Dragon Disciples Breath. "vca" = "visual cast" | |
CastHandVisual | Model resref | var_conefire | Hand based casting visual effect (attached to the hand node). Resref of visual effect model. Occurs in the direction of casting. Example: Cone spells. "var" = "visual area" | |
CastGrndVisual | Model resref | Ground based casting visual effect (at the casters feet?). Resref of the visual effect mode. No default Bioware spells use this. | ||
CastSound | Sound resref | sar_conefire | Sound used when casting. This is mainly used to have the visual such as a cone match with an appropriate sound. | |
Proj | Boolean | 1 | 0 - No projectile 1 - Has projectile | Does this have a projectile? activates the next 5 columns. It fires a single projectile model towards the target location (if ground) or object (if a object is selected), or if it is a wider VFX like the various cones or breath attacks it fires them in the direction at the chosen point or person. A projectile will fire a VFX and will affect when the ImpactScript is run if HasProjectile is used in tandem with this. See below for that entry. This means a fireball for instance has to travel to the target location then it explodes. If HasProjectile is 0 then the script fires right away, used for Cone of Cold or Dragon Breath attacks, where the VFX mainly is replacing a EffectVisualEffect call. Note progfx.2da can now mimic some of these as MIRV style objects with EffectVisualEffect and their projectile options. |
ProjModel | Model resref | vpr_ectoacid01 | Projectile visual effect (See ProjSpwnPoint for where it appears) "vpr" = visual projectile. | |
ProjType | Set values | homing | homing - Example: Fireball. Straight line and homes in on a target even if moving, velocity is multipled by 2.0. ballistic - An arced object, again homing so will always hit, the game uses it for usual projectiles from bows, crossobws, etc. Example spells: Giants Hurl Rock when polymorphed as a Giant uses this (and a lot of special cutscene ballista style things). Uses default velocity. highballistic - Not used by any spell by default, but used by Bioware for catapults in OC chapter 4. Is a high arc that even goes off screen for a time before coming down on the target. burst - Not used by any spell by default but acts essentially like MIRVs / magic missiles (see progfx.2da) although in engine isn't exactly the same projectile type oddly. Uses default velocity. accelerating - Example: Dispel Magic. Goes to the point in a straight line and homes in on the target, but accelerates so quite fast. Velocity is multiplied by 1.5. spiral - Example: Hellball. Does a weird spiral around the target until it hits, takes a reasonably long time even if the target stands perfectly still, projectile time is a fair chunk higher than usual (+2500ms). Standard velocity (for what it matters). linked - does a different velocity bounce - Example: Grenades. Bounces a projectile object a few times on the ground before hitting the target location/object, is slower as a result. Velocity is multiplied by 0.8. | The projectile type. Also note this can be altered using the parameter "nProjectilePathType" in ActionCastSpell functions, although several are missing from the parameter. Note that progfx.2da can now mimic these - although possibly not perfectly (although there are more options - like miss options) - with the options including all of these as integer values instead of names. Projectile times usually are |
ProjSpwnPoint | Set values | hand | hand head monster0 monster1 monster2 monster3 monster4 monster5 monster6 monster7 monster8 monster9 root - see notes. | Spawn point on the caster that the projectile leaves from. Values are: hand (used for 99% of spells), head and monster - monster9 (used for Beholder rays from eyestalks). If the value is invalid it appears to use the "root" node (perhaps just use "root" in those cases) |
ProjSound | Sound resref | spr_ectoacid01 | Sound of the projectile | |
ProjOrientation | Set values | path | path - projectile facing travel path target - projectile faces target | Orientation of this spell's projectile while it is in flight. All standard spells use path (projectile faces the direction it is traveling), but target is another supported value (projectile faces the target). |
ImmunityType | Text | Acid | This is entirely unused by the game and may just be a developer-left-in notes field or a pre-nwscript way of doing immunities | |
ItemImmunity | Boolean | 1 | Unused by the game, item properties are controlled through the itemprops.2da, itempropdef.2da, iprp_costtable.2da and iprp_paramtable.2da - specifically IPRP_SPELLCOST in this case lists what direct spell immunities can be on items. | |
SubRadSpell1 SubRadSpell2 SubRadSpell3 SubRadSpell4 SubRadSpell5 SubRadSpell6 (NWN:EE) SubRadSpell7 (NWN:EE) SubRadSpell8 (NWN:EE) | Integer spells.2da line reference | spells.2da line | The spells on a radial, such as when Polymorph has different options available. NWN:EE added 3 more SubRadSpellX options; 6, 7 and 8. These are not present in the default spells.2da included in the game but can be added by hand (anywhere - but commonly in the middle with the others). | |
Category | Integer spells.2da line reference | This is the category as checked by the Talent script system. Note: categories.2da is unused by the game but has similar contents to the nwscript.nss constants - the dispel option however is unused by the default AI and isn't a nwscript.nss constant and isn't used by default so don't use it. Adding more to categories.2da functionally does nothing, but you might be able to use higher numbers if for some reason you ever wanted to use the talent system (hint: Don't bother!) Is buggy if a spell level is not set in the Innate column. Frankly Talents are buggy overall so good luck if you want complex behaviour from them in any case. | ||
Master | Integer spells.2da line reference | The master of this spell if it is a subradial spell. It should be left blank if it is not a subradial spell. Note: This is buggy, and some spells have it set even if they're not a radial spell (copy and paste errors on Biowares part!). This causes GetHasSpell to perform incorrectly, but the game still works correctly otherwise - very frustrating! | ||
UserType | Integer | 1 = spells 2 = creature power 3 = feats 4 = item power | This both categorises them in the toolset and has several in-game effects on the use of abilities/casting of spells. See Spells and Abilities for a more tabular approach. 1 is for general use spells, they can be assigned as special abilities with a caster level on a creature template even if no class can cast them. Needs the "Innate" column setting (which should typically always be set!). If a spell is set to 1 then these also apply:
2 is for Creature Powers. They appear in the toolset and can be assigned as Special Abilities. There is no caster level associated with them only uses/rest.
3 is for Feats. These do not appear in the toolset, and should be linked to a feats.2da line.
4 is for item powers or "not any of the above". Use it for hidden super cool cutscene spells, ballista shooting spells with high projectile arcs, and so forth. They don't intrinsically just appear on items - they need to be linked in the iprp_ 2da files. Note that some abilities are classified as this (eg; some shifter polymorph abilities) leading to some odd behaviour compared to their usual counterparts.
Note: Values higher than 4 are ignored. | |
SpellDesc | TLK entry | 113002 | Can be an entry in dialog.TLK or a custom TLK, shows up in game | |
UseConcentration | Boolean | 1 | 0 - No concentration 1 - Uses concentration | This stops concentration checks for this ability. Usually all monster abilities. Note that it does not stop attacks of opportunity. Some do have this set to 2 - not sure what this value means (Aura_of_Hellfire or Hell_Inferno for instance). |
SpontaneouslyCast | Boolean | 1 | 0 - No spontaneous casting 1 - Spontaneous casting allowed | If the caster has the "Can cast spontaneous spells" (usually only Clerics) this applies (usually only "Cure" and "Inflict Wounds" spells), and the spell is marked with a 1, then they can cast it and lose a different spell that is memorised of the same level. Note: Domain spells memorised cannot be used to cast spontaneous spells. |
AltMessage | TLK entry | 53231 | TLK reference to replace the "CREATURE casts SPELL NAME" text. This is recommended to use on non-spell abilities. EG: Bolts use 53231 which is: <CUSTOM0> uses bolt attack. <CUSTOM0> is the name of the spell caster (or "Someone" if you can't detect them), so the above would become "Lich uses bolt attack." in the feedback. You can't specify the Name field so you must code a single TLK line per different ability if you want them to be different. If set then this will remove the need for identification of the spell and will just display this string. Minor notes:
| |
HostileSetting | Boolean | 1 | 0 - Not hostile 1 - Hostile | Value 0 (false) or 1 (true). Determines whether a spell is considered hostile when being cast on other creatures. |
FeatID | Integer feat.2da line reference | feat.2da line reference | Feat ID reference. Must be filled in for spells.2da lines attached to feats for them to usually function correctly. There is usually a 1:1 mapping. You might be able to, for spells without subspell options such as Protection from Alignment or Shades, have a usual spell pointed to from feat.2da to the spells.2da entry where this is blank - then it'll use the spells.2da icon, etc. but should function ok. If you're doing something like the feat Wildshape which has subspells check this for how to do it with magic numbers: Subfeat Spells | |
Counter1 Counter2 | Integer spells.2da line reference | spells.2da line reference | These are 2 columns that say "This spell specifically can be used to counterspell these:". It has nothing to do with anything else. When in counterspell mode, rather than using Dispel Magic, if either of these are known by the counterspeller they instantly and always work. | |
HasProjectile | Boolean | 1 | 0 - No projectile "moves to target" 1 - Has projectile that "moves to target" | If 1 then the spell has a projectile - the spell script will not fire until the projectile has reached its target if it is 1. Examples might include Fireball which fires a ball that travels in before blowing up. If 0 it fires the spell script straight away - the Projectile VFX are still fired, eg: Breath Weapons have this column set to 1 even though the Proj column is set to 0. Seeting this column to 0 for a Breath Weapon disables the VFX. |
TargetShape | String | sphere | **** sphere rectangle cone hsphere OR an integer for custom shapes | The Spell Targeting system was added in 87.8193.35 and allows players to see how big an AOE shape is before casting. You can add your own shapes and IDs and supply clients with shader files to support them. This is purely clientside and has no effect on the game logic (and may be wrong if you alter spell scripts) as well not used by the server at all (although keeping it in sync with the client allows some nice metadata!). You can override it per-player with SetSpellTargetingData() this is helpful to have, for instance, a bigger fireball area affected by a feat for that one player. The default values translate into IDs used in nwscript and shaders - except default **** "none" (ie no shape shown, other columns ignored, although the distance to target point or object is still shown). Below is what they are used for and map to nwscript/shadeer wise. For examples see the current spells.2da
If you put in anything else it's treated as an integer, so for instance using a value called 5 allows a custom SPELL_TARGETING_SHAPE to be created and passed into the shader. Only a value of **** is ignored. The other parameters have a variety of combos the default shaders use. |
TargetSizeX | Float | 6.67 | **** if unused else a positive float | sphere - radius of the sphere cone - the length of the cone in the direction of lTarget. Spell cones are always 60 degrees with the origin
rectangle - the X size of the rectangle (spell cylinders or cubes) hsphere - the inner "safe" radius of the donut or "hole sphere" |
TargetSizeY | Float | 10 | **** if unused else a positive float | sphere - unused cone - unused rectangle - the Y size of the rectangle (spell cylinders or cubes) hsphere - the outer radius of the donut or "hole sphere" |
TargetFlags | Integer nwscript.nss SPELL_TARGETING_* reference | 1 | SPELL_TARGETING_FLAGS_* (in nwscript.nss). 0 - None 1 - Harms Enemies 2 - Harms Allies 4 - Helps Allies 8 - Ignores Self 16 - Origin on Self (used for cones/breath attacks and personal only spells) 32 - Suppress with Target (if target selected, no AOE marker shown) | The final value entered into this column is determine by adding the values of the targeting flags together. It doesn't have to be set and defaults to 0 if so. For example, Acid Fog is listed with a TargetFlags of "3" in spells.2da, meaning that it Harms Enemies and Harms Allies. Note: "Suppress with Target" (32) means the spell's AoE targeting visual will be suppressed when hovering over a target. Useful for things like Dispel Magic and variants where you have a different effect when targeting one person (it dispels all spells on them) versus an area (dispels 1 spell per person). This is in comparison to Fireball which affects everything in the AOE equally even if a single target is selected. This can also be a custom value if you code it into your shader file and you can alter the colours in the shader file too. The AOE colour works on this basis in the default shader:
Standard uses with the colour of the AOE marker given: